Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
MB Remenber The E
Mb has got his name on the streats as one of the hardest rappers in the abe scene for his coked up flow but his new track the e is a trip down memory lane though some of the best memories in black history. The beat on this track can give any one a nastalgia vibe. His flow is a little softer then usal and less complex and without his signature punches but the vibe of the track and the style of this track makes for a nice feel good track to vibe out to. mb def proves why hes one of the vallies elite.
dangerous c always gunna be me

Godilla has been a roll as of late between his local classic album jaquars paw last year his single circuit training with ali armz and thirstin how now his newest track judge dred proves why goddilla is one of the most gifter lyricist in the lehigh valley. This track is pretty much a 16 probally a trailer for his newest album and if his lyrics spit as hard and his complexity is up to this bar expect the new album. "my loose leaf is deading you strait to the morgue" one of the most creative lines ive heard in a while, if you havent allready def start checking out godilla.
h8trid kid no more feat n3bo SINGLE REVIEW

Saturday, August 28, 2010
interview with ronnie ortega of JERSEY SHORE
mark madsen: whats good man
ronnie ortiz: not to much you know trying to avoid reporters paparrazi all asking me about my arrest
mark: suprised by watching your actions on tv id seem to think you'd like the exposure negative or postive since you was arrested last year on jersey shore
ronnie: well its all glorified for tv im none as this over hyper shout out guy but overall im laid back, never been to jail before and im trying to keep it low that i was i didnt even know they could lock you up for unpaid speeding tickets, i mean shit those fuckin pigs wouldnt even let me pay they the money for my fines
mark: being a former warren county resident that actually doesn't suprise me at all ive seen people get locked up here for curfew violations, but dont worry man i doubt it will get out my blog is not a entertainment tmz blog its a local hip-hop blog and thats why i actually hit you up for this interview, in jail we were talking and you mentioned you was a fan of a local hip-hop act
ronnie: hahahahahaha yea this group ambush family i did a personal apearence at this club crocidile rock or something like that in allentown pa and this dude was bugging the fuck out of me to buy his cd so i decided on doing so i had no intentions originally to listen to it but my i-pod had died out and needed some tunes for the ride back so i popped the shit in and the first track i heard i forget what it was called was a club banger that you could wile the fuck out to and realy enjoyed it, plus i picked up some chick at the club that was feeling it to so besides liking the song the cd got me in the sheets with this banging blonde so you realy cant hate a group who gets you laid hahahahahaha
mark: i guess i can feel you on that did you listen to more then just that track, did you feel more then just that track do you like them as a artist or because it was a club banger, sorry for hounding on the musical questions but this is a music blog i usually rate off lyrcism and shit like like.
ronnie: i listened to the whole cd there was maybe one other club track on there the rest of it was straight ghetto drug dealing shit, im not a big fan of rap music but i def would say they got talent that one dude by his voice i think it was the one who sold me the cd fat black dude had said some funny shit that got me cracking the fuck up hahahahaha you know but yea i deffintly like them
mark: ight i had sent you links to 3 other local artist did you give them a listen if so where you feeling any of them
ronnie: i skimmed though there tracks realy didnt listen to them in full but one track had me cracking the fuck up it was called nicki minaj or some shit i forget what it was called but that shit right there could be a viral sensation hahahahaaha i think every dude agrees theyd wanna smash nicki minaj you feel me Like i said im not to big of a fan for rap music more into club trance stuff so im sorry for not able to give you a better outlook on them
mark: you talking about jake haze with that nicki minaj track its ight man i just wanted to interview you cus im all about getting my local music scene known and since you mentioned to me you enjoyed a local act i wantted to get your views.
ronnie: like i said im a laid back dude i had some free time so i dont mind just keep it on the dl about my jail shit then we cool.
mark: like i said i run a local music blog im not sending this to tmz
ronnie: hahah well thanxs im peace out got some personal apearences to make but def look looks on not narcing out
Pain Promo Commercial
If your looking for amazing tatoo work hit up sinner city tatoo shop 639 N 12th St, Allentown, PA run by pain of horrorcore group sinner city def best tatoo artist in the east coast
local artist spotlight AMBUSH FAMILY

One thing that is always said about the local hip-hop scene is thats theres no unity between artist. This is one thing that ambush family proves wrong as each emcee in this group come from other labels, groups or solo acts and came together by doing shows and listing to each others music. As a whole they have been around for about 2 years but as solo artist there careers span about a decade. Tragic started off as a solo artist and even had inked a deal with columbia records before getting locked up on gun possesion charge and was blacklisted from the label, from there he teamed up with local emcees napo, king ricco and dan madsen to form cheddar records (no confusion with f.a.ce the beast label with the same name" evntually disbanning do to personal reasons tragic went to form his own imprint streat hustle entertainment. Ctc started off with phillipburg bases g2g before disbanning and going solo, deibino was also a solo artist. All four of the artist met as they all opening up for ja rule at crock rock and formed ambush family. Ambush family has become one of the hardest grinding forces in the local scene even having the honor as the only local act to headline crock rock. They are also heavy in promoting and getting the local scene regonized either though talent shows emcee showcases or freestyle contest. The only thing ambush lacks is conistanty with lyrism and a week like lyically (deibino) in the group. They represent the streats and the local scene to know ends and by there performing shedule and monthyl mixtape releases they dont seem to be stopping any time soon
Friday, August 27, 2010
drangd feat durte harmless SINGLE REVIEW

"i here alot of cowards talking claiming there thug they talk alot of shit but do nothing but bluff there harmless" durte says in the opening hook and this has to be the truest line ive heard in a while in any rap track, setting up a pure lyrical assault from drang as he proves why not many emcees arent touching him. "every mother fucked in this nation rap that they tuff" witch is true and drang never claims it he proves lyrical hes ill he didnt need a gimick to get the strong fanbase he got like most rappers do he did it by relating to his fans lyrically and showing his growth as a emcee. His new speed rap style helps his delivery alot and finds his 2-4 rhyme scheme into a perfectly conceived delievery. This has to be the best track ive heard from drangd. usually you see emcees fall off in there career but when a emcee gets better and shows groth durning there career then you know there something special there
its been a few weeks but j.rose and george burnez are back at it with more pure lyrism but this time they come on a more gangsta tip then lyrical ability witch is a little bit disapoiting since you know my views on gangsta rap, but still cant deny lyricism even though j.rose doesnt seem to be rapping with much passion and does screw her flow up alittle even though at the end of her verse her rhyme scheme is stellar, 2nd vrse though she seems like shes trying to sound like nicki minaj 2 much witch also is disapointing, i hate seing ill emcees becoming products of mainstream influence. George burnz dont disapoint though his flow stays perfect like usual. This is reasons though why female emcees with talent need to make it because negetiv einfluences on mianstream can destroy talent at its prime
7 out of ten
As you've noticed we show alot of love to twin perils over here at east coast underground central, its hard not to when you here both beats and flawless rhyme schemes like lone ninja and june marx do. Making this track complete with pure lyricism is the guest apearence from local emcee godilla who as i mentioned before is one of the top artist locally and in the underground period. Both lone ninja and june marx both shout out godilla in the track witch shows im not the only one heavy aclaiming godilla. "i broke resistanc execute the vocalistics obey the code of misfits and pave the road to ritches" lone ninja spits with a flawless delivery and the whole track lone ninjas flow is close to flawless like usual. June marx flows perfect as well put godilla outshines both lone ninja and marx on this track "your sweet like willy wonka" metephor is crate and pulled off with execution, and his rhyme schem is consistant complex and perfect. You need to start listing to rap like this or you will trully never apriacate the genre
So, You're voting for the Lehigh Valley Music Awards...(Must Read)
written by jake haze.
What is up everyone. This past Wednesday (Aug 25th), The Lehigh valley Music Awards rolled out its nomination list, based on the amount on votes given. This year brought a record amount of voters to this event, IMO, in part thanks to the rising awareness of this event in the urban community. Well, let's get straight to the point. I am not a board member or judge of the LVMA's or anything. I'm just a regular joe who does not-so-regular things once in a while. One of those things is hip-hop, thats's what I do, and what I will be focusing on here, the categories that matter to YOU (Da Stash Box audience). What I'm gonna try and do is let you be the judge, by presenting your nominees, and their work, so as to make your vote an informed and truly deserving one. One complaint I have received is that the nomination ballots are off. Me, personally being nominated for 3 LVMA's, feel that I deserved mines (But, really, is there anyone who can contend that?), others felt that the ones deserving were not rewarded, and that many people got on the ballot on the strength of internet friendships and not actual talent or merit, IE, people who put put the time and effort didn't get nominated over ones who quickly rushed in to nominate themselves, to which I can somewhat agree on certain levels. So without further hoopla, these are your categories and why you should vote for them!
Best Music Videographer
Sam Younes
Redlight Productions
Rocky Urich Prouctions
Miguel "Reg" Torres
Daniell Lubene
Lisa Koza Productions
Joe "JB" Balshi
This category baffled me. I see alot of good talent on it, like Red or R.E.G., or Joe Balshi, but where is Joshua Ramirez for Rapforever Media? He directed his ass off this past year for the likes of Boogie V, Joe Stylez, Liquid Ent, Phillup Banks, Adlib and waaaaaaaaaaaaay more. If you guys can get a chance, write him in, or take a look at his work yourself. Just Google any of these nominees names in and check out their work. After then, your choice should be clear.
Best Female Vocalist
Caren Kennedy
Connie Edinger
Kelly Planner
Christine P. Bainbridge
Moe Jerrant
Becca Heller
Bev Conklin
Allie Santos
Mary Kirk Dunbar
Nikolette Palar
Hannah Graser
Many of you have no idea who any of these wonderful females are, but you will. If anyone deserves this nod, it's the talented Allie Santos, who made a splash at the Lehigh Valley Music Conference, and has had a steady stream at performances (notably, Big Money Management's comedy nights @ woodys..).
Best Male Vocalist
Scott Free (Howell)
Tim Harakal
Scott McDonald
Alex Kristof
Chris Yando
King Magnetic
Anothy Zucherro
Chris Murphy
Tyler Grady
Uh oh, here starts the drama. King Magnetic and Red. In the same category. best male vocal--wha? huh? Wait a second, those two don't sing (aka vocalize), they rap. So how are they on that "Vocalist" ballot? Moving on...
Best New Artist/Band
Jake Haze
Only Human Band
Damn Dirty Apes
Hannah Graser
Scott Pine & Conifers
The Feens
Wailing Waters
Trip Frogg
One Cat Left
The Block
It's me vs a whole bunch of others. Of note however i'm up against The Feens, Damn Dirty Apes & Peacekeeper.My Vote's going to that Jake Haze guy. He's always on some show, on some song, on some website, on some interview on something. Hehe
Best Valley Club DJ
DeeJay Sweet Life
J.J. Sands
Buttacall Ed
Samantha Lane
Rich Michaels
Brother Joel
DJ Cyn
J. Miguel
Cap Cee
Anyone who's partied in this town, knows your DJs. Buttaball Ed, DJ Cyn & Cap Cee made the cut, which is deserving, but where is DJ Menace? it's anyone's vote in this category, but if you can't agree on one, feel free to type DJ Menace's name in the ballot.
Best R&B
Allie Santos
Doug Hawk
Frederick Douglas
Paula Brion
Jenny Beltran
Paula Brion, Jenny Beltran & Allie Santos, very hard category. They've all performed widely in this area, so take a pick of your favorite.
Best Local Music Video
This Category is write in only
Write in, Eh? Well in that case, here's a couple videos for you to consider:
Adlib - Bum Rush
Phillup Banks- Man In The Mirror
Truck - The Anthem
Tug McRaw - Like Nobody
Young Trouble - Hottest In The Hood
LPerfex - We Are One
Red Mcfly - Where Is My Mind
Those are just a few, look in our video section to see if you see anything else you like.
Most Supportive LV Music Venue
PigPens Sports Bar and Grill
Louie's Italian Restaurant
Leather Corner Post
Grumpy's BBQ Roadhouse
Godfrey Daniels
Banana Factory
Garfield Hotel
Listen Live Music
Emmaus Firehouse #1
Pitcher's Sports Bar
Mezza Luna
Anyone who does Hip-Hop in the valley knows about our infamous venue problem.....nobody wants us there, and I've had experiences with many of the venues listed, so IMO Banana Factory or Pitchers. Pig Pen gives excuses upon excuses to not let urban performers (who arent't famous) perform even a 10 minute set, and the rest, well, they simply don't want hip-hop. Which is cool, to each his own. but if you're a hip-hop artist or fan, then the choice should be between Banana Factory or Pitchers.
Best HipHop/Urban
King Magnetic
Kidd Fresh
Jake Haze
Urban Sky
Hank Tate
Joe Stylez
Oh Man. The main event. The throwdown. So many artists, and only one can walk away with the prize. King Mag, Red, Me (Jake Haze), H8trid, Joe Stylez, & Jewlz in my opinion are the stronger candidates. Nothing against Urban Sky, Kidd Fresh, Hank Tate, and Initial, but they've been off the radar for too long, quite honestly only hearing a handful of songs by Initial, Only knew of Kidd Fresh as a DJ (I heard ONE song from him, which hardly merits a nomination nod) and not to mention, I had no idea who Urban Sky & Hank Tate were before I saw their names on this ballot, and one of them, I still don't. Your best bet? Google them. Then decide
And that's it. I figured these are the categories that are relevant to my core audience. Remember, people, that the fine people running the Lehigh Valley Music Awards are regular people like you and me with their own lives and occupations. Their schedules are full, and I've had the pleasure of saying I've seen these people work hard to bring involvment and music awareness and education to the community. If you do not like the nominees on the ballot and feel someone else is deserving of a nod,WRITE THEM IN! People have won from write-ins. Every category has a write in spot!
Quite simply put: If you don't like the ballots, or nominations, do something about it. Don't just bitch on facebook and complain about the next man's fortunes. Do Something. Artists, submit your music, make it readily available to the public (aka Internet, man, we're in 2010, itunes makes up 25% of the music sales and rising, CD is dying, get with the program), nominate yourself and make sure you tell people to nominate you, and show them why you should be nominated. Do not wait for anyone to nominate you, be the movement.
Volunteer. I am sure Gloria & Bruce would welcome an extra pair of reliable hands. Understand, that they might not have the time to screen and research the nominees, they go by votes, so do something about it if you don't like it. Get involved.
Visit the official site:
Lehigh Valley Music Awards
L Perfex "We Are One"
Emcees nowaday have a issue with not spitting facts and forgetting the roots of hip-hop and why hip-hop and rap were actually evented. Rap battles were actually started for people to verbally get out there anger instead of shooting each other now with rap filled with gangsta rap guns are brought into hip-hop contradiction the reason why the genre is started in the first place. When i heard the opening beat of this song i started reminisning of the old days of hip-hop the beat reminds me of classic pac, and vibes nicley and starts brining me down memory lane to a time where rap was about lyricism and getting along and it wasnt about gats and big chains. This is exactly what the songs are about to l perfex first opining bar "everybody was jumping for joy barack one it" talks about the change that will come that oboma promised and like most people bitch about it takes a while for change to come. Underground emcees are allready hating on obams non change gen steal of smith in wessun even made a concept album bashing obama peple now adays dont have patience. l perfex message of non volence and peace is a refreshing change in music and his flow and delivery hits the right note with the beat. This has to be the feel good track of the summer in the local scene deffintly a amazing track
joey mondeca This is My World SINGLE REVIEW
Song starts off realy realy shitty the chorous starts off the track and the chorous is notroucious, repetitive and all over the place lucky for us joey mondeca actually can flow so the hook is forgivable. Starting off his actual first verse joey's rhyme scheme starts realy impressive as he suceffully sets a 2 multi rhyme scheme with two sylable words for 4 bars, witch u dont see double sylabal rhyming to much, so allready im impressed but dont know what to expectsince he cant write hooks too well. "ill probally get sancationed for the shit that im saying" joey spits witch means he dont care what you think about his views here say it anyway witch means you shouldnt worry about him selling out. Metaphorically he's creative "i'll bring it back like im a paramedic""you're get pened up like you is a entrance" so its impressive but not consitant still i see promise in oey mondeca
ambush family got a problem SINGLE REVIEW

Ambush family is one of the more known local acts because of there heavy grind, vigourous touring shedules, and legal issues that have been in local papers, but lyrically ive always deemed ambush family overated, nothing special just another gangsta rap coalition. There are some promising emcees in the group though tragic spits first and even though his flow has always been half ass his punchlines have always been impressive and still are. "cook it up watch n---- blow like bubble gum" both a decent punch and clever metephor even though that bar could be spitten better the metephor itself is clever. Ctc spits second his flow repetitive and also gets stucks to rhymin gthe same words over and over and basic as fuck metephors "we same color as a presidnet. if it wasnt for the fact there manager was a promoter at crock ther grind wouldnt be so good cus lyrically there not to good
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #1 TUG MCRAW

top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #2 ADLIB

Its no longer that gangsta rappers and politcal rappers are the best lyricst, a strange new breed of emcees have come out to be lyrically impressive and 95% of these emcees don't even listen to rap music. Punk rockers and metal heads have been picking up the mic to critcal aclaim, crit favriote such as atmopshere and cage look like guatarist for your sisters favriote emo band then rappers, and ex rancib member skn head rob has had collabs with the likes of bun b pall wall diobolic necro and more. Local allentown rapper adlib is one of this bread. You'd catch him at the local skateshop before a hip-hop show and his collborations and sampled on albums are far from hip-hop blendign punk rock and screamo with politcal styld lyrics and personal struggles, even philly regonized adlib for video of the year at the philledelfia music awards, now why cant the local lv scene show him more love
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #3 godilla

its one thing to be a talented lyricist, its another to have grind consitancy and longevity, goddilla has all 3 being one of the original "buzzed" about emcees in the lehigh valley. He may be a easton native but goddilla has gotten national regonization everywhere from hype of artofrhyme.com to being on hands down the best rap cd of 2008 in snowgoons blacksnow to his work with june marx of twin perrills. His last album jaguars paw had production from some of the top producers in the underground community "dj kwestion of aotp, snowgoons, king magnetic, riegn supreme and more. so when it comes to grind and love in the underground community id be stupid not to say godilla is one if not the most respected emcee in the lehigh valley.
Friday, August 13, 2010
top 25 lehigh valley lyricist #4 george burnz

Just to clear stuff up at the moment george burnz is located in allentown, even though orignally from nyc. You cant deny talent when it moves into your local scene deffintly if its talent with potential and more music hustle then a average emcee. releasing new material on a weekly basis plus never failing to impress lyrically theres not many emcees period who stack up witch shows you how stacked the local valley scene is when burnez is #4 and is possible a top 20 emcee period in a rap game thats slowly coming back to light.
top 25 lehigh valley lyricist #5 KING MAGNETIC

Monday, August 9, 2010
HoodRoc' ( Pennsylvania feat Big Ray )
Its nice to see multi-talented musicians now adays, and thats exactly what these two are two local rappers deciding to pick up the guitars and drums and make a rock/metal band that rocks just as hard as the rest do. hoodroc consist of nigtar and tugmcraw, this song is pretty much a rap/rock track as nigtar spits some lyrical bars about how pa is prtty much a trap no matter how much you leave you end up right back here witch is true as can be. Tugmcraw offers his talents as the drummer for this band. Most rap rock bands suck and the only good one halflip sold out to opur rock but this is a uniqueu fusion of rap screamo regae and pure rawness spitting ona subject any pa resident can agreee on. track rocks hard on all levals
Phillup Banks "Man In Da Mirror"
Hands down this is the best song by a lehigh valley artist this year as one of the 2 songs i nominated on my lvma award ballot "tug mcraws imagine that" was my other nomination. This track is deep and emotional from the haunting sample in the begining of the track all the way though all the emotionall drivin delivery and pain felt bars bank$ spits in this track. "all i got is a dream plotting on a scheme ive been though hell lord knows what i mean im gratefull for the fact he guides me though the pain i say its all good but its the opisite of things" the most heart felt true bar ive heard by far cus i relate to it as well. "i dont sleep much so i must day dream" is both creative and pain driven hopefully his dreams pay off for him cus with tracks like this you can tell he strives for glory and by the lyrical ability shown here banks desrves it.
"Love the Way You Lie Remix" by Krazie K ft Jerrilyn & Socratez
whats with asains wanting to be the next love song rapper, every since lil craze you see asain emcees popping up as pure love emcees, just like you see every teenage mexican becoming the next crunkcore emcee after brokeyncyde broke up. (havent people noticed one these artist have never blown up and two both genres are the worst possible genres) but jersey native krazie realy doesnt seem to care, as he makes his own version of eminems latest hit love the way you lie. The chick he has to sing the vocals is so senere and her vocals are probally the only good part of this song. his flow is off realy bad and basic longer verses when he doesnt need it failed multip rhyme schemes tracks totally ass except for the vocalist
Nems - Angel Dust
This may be from last years fuck ya laws vol 2 but presidents day is around the corner and i doubt half of you know who nems is so i gotta introduce you to the worlds most grimiest battle emcee withthe most impressive punchlines, and the rapper who lives such a shifty lifestyle that the most controversial rapper on the planet in necro dropped nems from his label cus hes to grimey. Even though this track has a nice jazzy flow to it this song is a love song to "gunthers" or your everyday project whore "nems gets chicks wetter then the cigeretes that i dip" creativity like that doesnt exist now adays with emcees to scared to cross the line or people just wanting to be the next big dance rapper. "she went down under like koalas" both controversial sexist grimey and genious. If you dont know the name get used to it nems is here to stay
Klive Kraven - Romeo and Juliet [Prod. Plague Plenty]
when you here a track thats starts with a coldplay sample you know the producer knows good music, and you know that most likley the emcee is lyrical since his taste in non rap music is also well. The coldplay sample sets a nice melochy mood to the track that leads to klives deeply emotional lyrics as he vividly desribes what it feels like his first time falling in love. The first verse is a little short maybe 10 bars and most of them the flow is choppy, but vivid visuals save the verse making it more poetic than a rap track even though the verse is infact rapped. Klive kicks ina more consistant rhyme scheme on the second track "short eternities heart broken surgically leading to open heart surgery young love is searching for certanty" so overall this track is impress even though short, even though im say this track would of been better as a spoken word effort.
8 out of ten
Viro The Virus - Heaven (Prod By DJ Stress) FREE DOWNLOAD
even though the snowgoons are from germany they have introduced the world to one of the best lyricist in jersey in viro the virus. making his debute on black snow on the albums best cut starlight. Now viro the virus is back with a track that has one of the best and refreshing hooks ive ever heard "my flow is like heaven cus whats better then that u cats better welcome me back" i deffintlly welcomed him back and his comeback is needed "i leave the best emcee's drippin sweat beeds" witch he probally does cus most emcees wish they had viro's flow. This track may not be as good and have spine chilling lyrics like starlight had, but this track is deffintly better then most these days.
L-Money K.I.R. Keepin it Real
arsin records ceo lmoney is back but his comeback is a little disapointing. In the first few bars ive seen a extended bar choppy flows repeated rhymes some mistakes a novice emcee would make, and his delivery is heavy rippin off jim jones and julez santana with the setup the punchline flow with week punchlines. Im actually realy disapointed in this song and im allready in a pissy mood so im not gunna finish listening to it and end this review here
majyk feat murdoc do your thing SINGLE

Tribeland records has been on a whole latley showcasing why there one of the labels to watch out for in the lehigh valley. There in house producer decided to pick up the mic and grap tribeland artist murdoc to join him on a pure club banger filled with a amzing rhyme scheme by both artist to make this a underground smash as well. "if it game to a battle im ready for war you best step up punchlines in metaphors, so aint no better dawg this kid majyk is sick) Majyks wordplay is deffintly amazing but as the best he isnt even the best on the label his flow gets choppy at times and gets basic but lyrically hes deffintly got some ill rhymes. Murdoc voice is only reminisant on the hook but it drives this song straight to the clubs. Ovall another decent track out of tribeland
top 25 lyricist of the lehigh valley #6 mb

top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #7 caesar glomgold

as a member of allentown based rapped group uncanny caesar shows hes spits some of the most hard hitting punches in the rap game as well as having deadly rhyme scheme. Lyrically hes a monster and is a true underground legend in the works. make sure to check the blog archives and check out the praise i showed him and the rest of the uncanny on the reviews i have on them
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #8 qg

Saturday, August 7, 2010
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #9 ali armz

top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #10 phillup banks

ive been flipping the list all day in my head when it game to the top ten cus all the ten emcees left are consisant and u can flip the list around if you dont actually sit there and listen to verse by verse of each lyricist, thats how tightly woven the local scene has been getting nowadays. I had banks to spot more up till i started anylzing all the artist and the conistantcy of artist. Phillup banks is probally the realest artist in the lehigh valley spitting tales of his street bring up, women problems, project life, and the hope to get past all of it. Lyrically phillup banks is a beast and could easily be mistaken for joel ortiz. hes deffintly one of the emcees to look out for and if he comes with another album as hard driven as vol 2 banks in the next year or two could posibily move up a little bit on this list.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Iron Solomon ft. Gordon Voidwell summer fever SINGLE REVIEW
Iron solomon's 3rd official single off his upcoming mixtape is a realy relaxing summer jam that just makes you wanna drop everything you doing grab a corona and hit the beach. You don't see alot of feel good tracks nowadays deffintly not alot of lyrically ill feel good tracks, but iron solomon feels like he finally found his comfort zone as a track emcee. "when i feel that fever i need a breather at least a week at leisure take off on a 6 day visa go to work on a spring break dive" as you see iron solomon rhyme schemes are back as well as his hard hitting punchlines and about time his delvery actually hits the beat and his beat selections are getting better. This track could break him in the mainstream as well get him critcally aclaim. Its about time solomon
As youve noticed in the blog tribeland records has been getting alot of love in the local scene nowadays, deffintly hitman, but there more then just hitman in tribeland. Ras geez proves himself a worthy freestylist with his newest verse. He starts off a little flow with it a little choppy begining but the more ras gets into the track the more lyrical he becomes. "im with you every heartbeat keep your memory alive keeping hard in the streets semi on the side and hardly you speek to these cats riding bars in the streats if your hard why you calling police im trying to dodge the police" and most of the freestlye keep sthe same rhyme scheme even though he does get his flow choppy a little bit but he deffintly has some hard hitting punchlines and justifies even more tribeland is making moves in the valley
cut ent presents grind status vol 1

M.b has become one of the most dominate forces in the local scene after the critical aclaim of his last solo lp power moves, and on his latest project grind status vol 1 he lets the rest of his record label shine and get known off his hustle. Thet deffintly don;t disapoint one bit, showing that they deffintly take pointers from there ceo when it comes to writing fresh rhymes. bam the butcher even outshines his ceo on the first track on the album rydin. His voice may be reminisent of d-12 bizzare but unlike bizzare bams lyrical and def takes his whole as a emcee serious. Even though this is a whole cut ent. album though mb. shines the most on the album and not just cus hes on every track on the album, his gritty street punchlines are still 2nd to none. On the track stubborn mb unleashes more of his gritty street tales giving a very realistic picture of the struggle he went to that made him who he is today. "i was stubborn all these ways in my heart" mb lets you know hes a stubborn mother fucker and he wont give in easily. This album deffintly is a lot diffrent then power moves with these being more of a mixtape with half the tracks beat jacked, and even bam trying to get some club play on the semi disapointing up in the club. I hate seign artist with alot of potential falling off and not taking all there potential serious. Even though this is a solid effort i know this album could of been ten times better
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #11 r.e.g
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #12 face the beast
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #13 hurricane g
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #14 aeyone

As one/fourth of the lehigh valley super group freedom 30 aeyone brings a punk/rap side to the genre like fellow bandmate adlib. Check hit out for yourself and make your own judgement since people been hating on my list so far so check out the real talent not just whos selling in the area
top 25 lyricist in the lehigh valley #15 h8trid

H8trid has matured heavily as a lyricist over the last year and the album personal vendetta was proof us that, making him not only one of the most known emcees in the valley but moving him up as a respected lyricist. He still is inconsistant but he knows it trying to keep his old fanbase while trying to grow as a musician
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Twin Perils - Liquid Maneuvers SINGLE REVIEW
lone ninjas verbal assasination on beats is reminisint of early inspectah deck when nobody in the game could touch decks flow. "the liquid maneuvers im sick with the lugar your shit can manuer inflicted the sickness bed truth to the few and persuit her the darkside be the ruler" with a flawless rhyme scheme like that is hard to come by and one thats as consitant as lone ninjas since godilla turned me on to these guys i havent found one bar i have deemed not flawless between none of these two. June marx still masked he would rather have you listen to his music then guess his idenity. It works for mf doom and it def works for june marx who flow is untouchable to none latley. twin perals is deffintly the emcees to look out for cus there bout to take the trown as the most lyrical emcees in the game its only time
top 25 lyricist in the Lehigh valley #16 hitman
top 25 lyricist in the Lehigh valley #17 dangerous c

the top 25 best lyricist in the Lehigh valley #18 redmcfly

When it comes to the emcee who has the best chance of blowing up and getting a record deal in the leigh valley red has that crown on lock. Last year red one the liegh valley music award for best album with his release close to home, he has a projected slot on kid cudi's next door, collabs with xv kanye west, wiz khalifa, and drake underhis belt and has some of the best tracks to listin to. As a lyricist red is a little more then average but as a musican red is top notch
Reef The Lost Cauze - Suicide Slang Feat. King Magnetic And Slaine
one of the best freestyle emcees is back with his newest album fight music a collaboration with producers guns n butter, and lyrically reef is coming harder then ever, and hes bringing his newest collaborator and a.b.e heavywieght king magnetic with him for the ride. "walking to the sound of pain pounds of caine i skeet skeet off in the mouth of babes" does it seem that reef has fallen off deffintly not. "you live on my dick like a pubic my minds like a rubix cube" thats ruxix cube metaphor to explain is his complexity has to be one of the most creative lines ive heard in a while. Even though reef hand downs owns this track slaine of la coka nostra and king magnetic bring there gritty deleveries to perfet this track. Kign magnetics rhyme scheme in this track is also one of the most impressive ive seen from him in a while "as soon as i shoot it its dooming the music manuvering though this humrous new shit numerous movements overinduces more then producers abuseing the truth man where loosing the future" now i may have misqouted this cus it flowed well as can be with one of the most amazing bars ive heard froma while, after huge releases from tug, adlib, godilla i think its safe to say this is the year for liegh valley hip-hop
Snowgoons - Valley of death part II ft Block McCLoud, Critical, IDE, Adl...
The snowgoons have become the most respected and 100% the best producers on the earth. The german based production company not only has talent as producers but talent for a ear of real hip-hop with there album always showcasing some of the best underground emcees including 3 a.b,e emcees adlib, goddilla, and kingmagnetic, plus bringing one of jerseys best lyrcist in viro the virus into the underground rap world. there latest release trogan horse shows more of these production over amazing posse cuts. One of the standout tracks on the album is valley of shadow of death with philledelfia based emcee block mcloud critical ide and allentown heavywieght adlib. Adlib reminds me of more of a hardcore punk lyricist thena rapper with voice more around the lines of skinhead rob or anthoney money of e-town conrete but more political and more lyrical. "i'm americas nightmare they say im so dangerous reason there moms say dotn talk to strangers im there scapecoat uncle sams target" a line like that is sad but true u speak the truth on how fucked up america is then you get known as a american traitor. This track is a pure onslought of lyrical greatness
June marx has become one of my favriote emcees after godilla turned me on to his music. He spits true underground music with every bar filled with 2-3 rhyme schemes and a metaphor in almost every bar. His complex wordplay has impressed me more than any emcee since canibu's rip the jacker album. This track off his latest album hardon collider with twin peral group member lone ninja's is impressive as shit. Lone ninja brings some impress rhyme schemes that are 2nd to none "most realness the chessman bash wrote sickness with pen and pad we search in your lare and kill them ruthless reverse engener we steal blueprints. What emcee besides canibus raps in such a effective and collective rhyme schemem these two deffintly are 2 of the most intelctual emcees ive heard in a while. June marx doesnt fail to impress either "the end is near the iron first hit harder engienred by scientist on the swiss boarder. Intelctual and amazing lyrcist with one of the most complex instremental displays ive heard since stoupe. Another flawless effort from june marx, im have to review the whole body of god album cus im expecting are 2nd flawless albumr eview when i get to it
dangerous c highschool dropout SINGLE REVIEW

top 25 lyricist in the liegh valley #19 dranged

top 25 lyricist in the valley #20 jon gwest

If it wasn't for the fact that i belive qwest is a unconsistance lyricist hed be a little higher on this countdown but if you have tracks i rate as 9 then a album i rate as a 6 witch mixed reviews thoughout the inconsistancy and trying to hit in the mainstream when your someone with a more underground flow hurts your chances. Qwest though deffintly making some moves when hes on the serious rap tip qwest could be a top ten lyrcisit but he spends alot of his time rappign about ladies and clubs and that woudlnt be a problem if he could flow the same way on those subjects as he does on the serious ones
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
what people have been saying about the blog
"once again , peep the review , stay updated here, my dude is offish"-george burnz
"LMAO Abyss is a nut, but get em" -jake haze
"follow this thread!!! it's the only truly unbiased Local East coast review spot!! these dudes got no agendas other than the truth!!! subscribe to them... and nah i aint affiliated with them tho they did review me and ras's vid for "haitin" without even bein told too...mad respect" r.e.g
"I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT U AS I MADE THIS your blog inspired this track" j-rose
"my man here speaks the truth, you don't like it? eat a dick" r.e.g
"its nice to see people actually apriacate real hi-hop nowadays these guys are the truth" dj cap cee
"did you right that its written well you got potential" red mcfly
"fair and to the point" jake haze
"these guys don't fuck around they disected my album to a "t" best review ive gotten yet and not cus i got a high rating ive got higher ratings but they actually apriciate real hip-hop" luca
top 25 lyricist in the liegh valley #21 p.vera

IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME AT THE LIBRARY SO I JUST TOOK HIS PROFILE BIOGRAPHY I DID NOT WRITE THIS.Primo Vera is the latest addition to the Redlight Entertainment roster. He came up with the name by using the words Primo, which in Greek terms means "first" & Vera in Latin terms means "last" in which is another reason he dubbs himself "New Era". Hailing from Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, he lived the street life that most of these rappers only rap about, from hustling to gang ties. But that life eventually landed him in jail for several years. While locked down, P was perfecting his craft as an mc & decided to focus on a new grind & hustle: rap music. Inspired by artists ranging from fellow Brooklyn mcs Notorious B.I.G. Jay-z, to others such as Ludacris, P. Vera released an joint titled, "Hate The Game" that caught a strong buzz throughtout NY. Once re-located to Allentown, PA, He linked up with Red, CEO of Redlight Entertainment, thru a mutual friend. From there P buzz grew stronger being featured on several songs on Red's "So Far So Close" mixtape including "Check Our Status" & "Stay Fly". as well as collaborating with veteran hip hop femcee Hurricane G on several joints as well including a vintage freestyle on Jay-z's "Reminder" track. P. Vera also grew to be a young entrepenaur in the making co-owning 2 stores in Allentown, PA (Exclusive Music & Magazines, Exclusive Tattoo's shop)Now P. Vera is gearing up to release his own material dropping a solo mixtape & making appearances on Red's sequel to the "So Far, So Close" mixtape, letting the world know that Brooklyn goes hard, indeed Read more: http://www.myspace.com/primoveraakapveranewera#ixzz0vpji91ax
top 25 lyricist in the liegh valley #22 c-spade

top 25 liegh valley lyricist #23 L.MONEY

as the head of arsin records l.money at one point was one of the top lyrcist in the valley for a while, but faded away for a while, but with collaborations on mb's power moves a few freestyles and talks of a upcoming new lp l.money looks on his way to making it back as one of the better street rappers in the valley
top 25 lyricist in the liegh valley #24 MC KIND

MC kind is a emmaus based emcee who has been in the local scene for a while know originally starting off in a group with soulspeak who i currently cant remeber the name of, then joining forcing with drange's label opp then releasing a joint album with dranged called the chicken wing ep. Kind is a top notch battle rapper and when hes not joking around he's a real conious emcee with real lyrical ability, he has been absent most of this year though as a lyricist
top 25 lyricist from the liegh valley #25 JAKE HAZE

producer showcase: jesstrumentals

Heres a reversed roll for you, usually its the producers turning to emceeing, but manhattan emcee jesse jamez figura dropped the mic for the mixer, now hes critcally aclaimed in both fields. Starting off as a battle emcee at new york cities longest running open mic end of the week, then alligning himself with nyc power label f.y.l with nems first as a emcee then as a producer. His style of production various from old school funk beats, to underground onsloughts for freestyles but never strays from ill. I was even lucky enough from this blog actually when i was running it in 08 to have him produce a track on my album this long journey "embrace yourself with lyrical greatness" Its nice to see producers who still sample and scratch and not just for the mainstream crowds, jesse jamez ins for the underground
next 2 blow: DONNY GOINES

xxl magazine must be drugged the fuck up and oding when they made the statement "this was a slow year for nyc rap and the city that birthed hip-hop isnt producing ill emcees anymore." you people have been 2 busy just basisng off blog buzz instead of checking out ill emcees, jay electronica, nems, george burnz, j.rose, final outlaw, donny goines all deserved spots on the freshman ten this year, but u saying nyc is dead. How the fuck could you say that when donny goines has had back to back top 5 of the year albums with minutes to midnights and the breakfast club. I know you know who is is you put him on your under the radar column, but yet again you was basing that off his web show instead of his music. Donny goines may have gotten in the rap game late and for the wrong reasons. He first picked up the mic in 2006 after watching jay-z's fade to black and wanting to one day play madison square garden. he prob wouldnt expect to be one of the most promisnt emcees in the game. From album to album his rap style has changed witch most rappers cant pull off sucessfully. Minutes to midnight was a album about the streets he grew on. With the track ghetto usa he sent a vivid and chilling depiction of the streets of new york city, and with tracks like ricckys story he gave a sad tale of a youngin lost. When breakfast club came out he came out into his back packer shell infusing samples of classic movies with rock collaborations and still making in my mind 3rd best album that year. Donny goines is on the border of bieng in everyones i-pods. its a matter of time when the world knows his name