abyss: you have a amazing vocal range witch could suite you well in any genre what made you become involved with hip-hop music out of all genres?
arrie: I love all genres. I don't discriminate! If I could rap, I would do that too just to get my point across! I admire hip-hop artists to the fullest, and definitely want to dabble more in it. But I think I found my 'home,' if you will, in R&B/Pop. I want my songs to tell a story, I want my videos to tell a story, and everyone will see much more of that. And in this genre I think, not only suites my vocal ability, writing ability and myself in general, but also allows me to paint that picture.
abyss: how did you get involved in musicand what inspires your material?
arrie: I've been around music my whole life. My mother was also a vocalist and a writer. So was a lot of my family. I've always been a writer, so I started recording my own material in 05. My inspiration comes from everything. Love, hate, regret, life, want, need, etc. My music is my diary. What you listen to is what is really happening or happened to me.
abyss: you have been praised alot by alot of the a.b.e hip-hop scene who are some of the artist we can expect you to work with in the near feature?
arrie: I can't tell you how overwhelming it is to even hear someone say 'you have been praised.' To me, I'm just little ole me writing about my heavy heart and just wanting to make some music! Especially from hip-hop heads?! You would think they would shrug me off because I'm this young chick doing some pop tracks. It's cool.I love it. And I love them. It's all love. I'm here to show we can all make music, together, and get somewhere-TOGETHER! As far as working together, I'm ready. I have my eye on a few artists out here, and they got my eye on me. We'll make moves soon. I assure you collab tracks will be out soon!
abyss:i first got a hold of your music though george burnez whos part of the whole nyc fyl movement thats bout to take over hip-hop not bad for a first co-sign how yous lik up and can we expect you to work with himor any of his camp?
arrie: George Burnz is one of the illest emcee's I have ever encountered. FYL is all dope. Back in 2005 we went to the same studio. He was one of the first people to record me. As a matter of fact....he was my first collab and I did my first performance with him too in nyc now that I think of it! We have some tracks we did recently that he just needs to finish up, and who knows, maybe more tracks. I'm dying to get on something with J.Rose. I can't even tell you how ill this girl is! But I'm sure you already know. Delivery, lyricism, its all there. That's what music is!
abyss: you mentioned yourself you havent put music out in a year and all a sudden your in local demand should we be expeting anyty new material soon to capitilize on your growing buzz?
arrie: As sure as my days keep coming, I keep living, so I keep having something to write about! So yes, there is new material coming soon. Songs and videos!
abyss:the local hip-hop scene has had few vocalist get buzz around here and your success locally has scene alot more singers coming out you will even be doign a set for the network at pitchers how do yo feel about your newfound buzz?
arrie:Well surely I feel blessed and ecstatic! Again-it's all very overwhelming, in a good way. This is what I love to do, and if people love what I love to do-then that is amazing. So thank you! For anyone who supports my movement and what I do!!
abys: do you plan on getting a deal though your music or is it just a hobby and is there anyone your afilated with locally or regioaly or are u just doig your own thing?
arrie:I'm solo. I wear many masks over here. And quite honestly, I rather be my own camp, than be in one for the wrong reasons. When it's the right time to be affiliated, then I'll know. But I think I'm doing ok in the mean time. I can't really plan on getting a deal, but I'm working towards success. I think that's being more realistic.
abyss:not only do you have amazing pipes you also write your own lyrics witch most singers dont do nowadays do you feel its important to be a independent artist cus i know personally i wouldnt feel i made it using someone elses material cus its one thing to be blessed with ocls its aother to actually be the brain bhid the hit?
arrie:Not only is it important, but business wise-it's where the money is at! People don't realize, songwriters get most of the royalties. And all in all it's the whole package.
abyss:the vibe of your longs a always upbea ad easy listeng what producers do you work with on your sound?
arrie: I think it's just my style and range. I wouldn't work on something that wouldn't compliment my vocals, or wouldn't compliment the producers work. My beats are all from Sinima, George Burnz or Eiras. These guys are the best!
abyss:what can we expect from arrie in 2011
arrie:More and more tracks and videos! I'm trying to give a visual perspective to most of my songs. Also look for collabs, shows, and hopefully dropping an album! Hopefully 2011 brings us all success, happiness, good health, and anything else that sounds like it came from a fortune cookie :)