Monday, September 13, 2010
Dama Nilz- I Dont Care ( NEW EXCLUSIVE!!!)
What the fuck is wrong with the music industry now adays, since ive been doing my blog ive reviewed my share of femcees and 4 of them spit harder and are more lyrical then any femcee ive ever scene signed so with talent sex apeal, and lyricism from femcees like dama nilz, j.rose, katana how the fuck has a gimick femcee with nothin gbut looks and good co-signs become the biggest thing in the rap industry. this is the #1 reason why the mainstream needs to change except remy ma an dmissy elliot there hasnt been a femcee in the mainstream that wasnt famous just for sex apeal. Why cant we go back to the days when lady rage, da brat, and mc lyte, and roxanne shante were dominating the airwaves no sex appeal nothing but pure lyricism, nowadays it seems the femcee is exticnt. if your a true fan of hip-hop your relise it isnt there just so far down on the bottom of the barrel even in the underground community its like trying to find a diamond in the dirt. J.rose and her protigee dama nilz show why femcees need more respect. On dama nilz new song i dont care she shows she dont give a fuck what you think about her she will stay herself and stay lyrical and neevr sell out uno matter what u think. Her flow is so smooth so cripse she could easily take on any male emcee in the mainstream game adn could even hold her own with most male underground emcees. dama nilz is a femcee you need to keep a watch on goes excpet j.rpse no femcee is sippitng this complex or hard nowadays.
Adlib -- Hate My Gutz ft.Slaine, Reef The Lost Cauze,DJ Kwestion SINGLE REVIEW
Adlib is not only the most unique, the most politcal and one of the most lyrical rappers in the game, adlib is also one of the most true to himself rappers there is. Adlib always perfectivly fuses rock and rap in his style to his love of both, and by seing that he signed to dany diablos ill rock you can tell he reps both styles of music to the death, and by looking at the cosigns as collabs from la koka nostra,s slaine, adn reef the lost cause u can tell all real hip-hop heads dont realy care that he isnt pure hip-hop or do they care hes signed on a label with a rapper whos not as lyrical as evryone else he associates with. When it comes to signing to a label it always comes down to where you most comfrtable at and whats the best for your image, and adlib def did that with alliging to ill-roc. His verse comes hard as can be going controversial "my squad free masons" reality of his fane base "fiends at the merch table trying to cop a shirt" his image "scarred and tatoo'd" he vividly shows exactly how he wants to be labeled as and hes deffintly not falling off. This track from all 3 artist is flawless.
Venomous2000 overstand SINGLE REVIEW
its nice to see emcees that rap againsts the grain and im not only speaking about lyrical abilities, im talking bout the intelect of emcees. theres a lot of complex and ill emcees out there nowadays that complex they may be there vocab is still elementry. venomous2000 is the deffinition of a college based rapper. "all i ever wanted was to grab the mic and intergect someone to sit down and listing to my intelect, but now its a difrent set no one seems to notice me no one seems to give a damn is this is how its suppose to be, nothing seems right now everything seems offscale', not only is this a complex verse he lets it know he wants to be known as a smart emcee not only as a amazing lyricist. The way he even mentions the downfall of the rap game is more vivid and metephorical then most emcees that just let it out how the games falling. "i work hard to put more smokers out then a ashtray" venumous wants it to be known thats hes out to end the wack emcees and he aint stopping and if he has to do it being a intelegenct rapper that most dont understand so be it. Venomous is one of the better newley descovered artist ive come across since doing this blog and any true fan of rap will enjoy
King Magnetic "Duck and Cover SINGLE REVIEW
one again mag comes with some of the hardest rhymes you will here out of the valley. the 2nd verse of this track probally has to be the best 16 ive hard all year, with a rhyme scheme like that you cant help but get chills up your spine each time you relise hes getting complexer by the 2nd, while incorpating some hard hitting punches to make the rhyme scheme hit even harder to the ears then it allredy is. " i choked a handycap kid cus i squeze retarted" not only is mag one of the illest and compex emcees in the underground community today with lines like that hes always one of the grimiest, and like he shows in his music he could give a fuck less what u think
phillup banks hollywood SINGLE REVIEW
Im say this right now phillup banks has moved into my top 5 FAVRIOTE LOCAL RAPPERS, and possiblley there as a lyricist to. Banks has to be one of the deepest rappers not only in the local scene but overall in the underground scene. you dont see emcees with a message anymore, you dont see rappers going into story telling mode on some very nerve touching subjects that most wont dare touch. banks is deffintly one of the realest emcees in the rap game at the moment and im deffintly not the only one noticing this. His newest track hollywood, isnt only deep a amazing story touching track but its also a very vivid look into a harsh reality that goes on in america. He goes into a vivid decription of a lost prostitute going into graphic details of the life of a streat walker, starting off on a day in the life of the prostitute, then goes into the greedy reasons why she fell into this lifestyle. "she likes the finer things cus she didnt have much" showing that not only drugs can bring you down to do anything but also things as "prada bags and diamond rings. banks doesnt stray away from gritty details "ife doesnt suck but she sure does" and goes even to the harsher reality of tha tprofession "used to all the attentionnow she gets ingorned" not only is that a risky lifestyle but eventually th ejons wil lmove on the something more. banks realy delivered pure fire on this track, showing why hes one of the realest in the valley.
Jake Haze - Allentown (part 2) feat Omar & T-Marz SINGLE REVIEW
Jake haze and the rest of redtop city have shown maybe not to be the best lyricist at the moment but as the artist with the most potential to be great, and the newest track allentown part 2 shows even more why in a few years jakehaze and crew could become one of the biggest forces in the lehigh valley rap scene. Omar starts off his one of the slickest 16's ive heard from this rookie with the whole delivery going perfectly over this beat it may not be the most complex 16' ive heard but when it comes to the delivery it was flawless. same thing with t-marz. Jake haze ends this track with again a flawless delivery and flow with a more mature vocal delivery and again sounding like drake going back adn force from vocals to singing. Now they may not be th emost underground and have mainstream appeal but evryone from to some of the valleys premier vocalist show love to haze and with every track him becomign mor epolished as a emcee showing growth is why hes on his road to the top nice track.
h8trid weapon 8 ALBUM REVIEW
Ok lets start off with this point h8trid is one of those artist your never know what your gunna get when you here he has a new album. His albums can be comicial with hints of deepness "suprise entrance" or deep as can be and show growth as a artist like he did in "personal vendetta, on his new mixtape weapon 8 you cant realy make out what h8trids trying to do but what i can say is lyrically he hasnt fallen off even actually impressive by showing that he can actually freestyle. On the track another 16 his flow was almost flawless though the whole track using a nice rhyme scheme the whole time witch actually impressed me since he has never seemed a artist that took rap seriously. The last review i did i hated on his more comicial tracks, then his label mate and repsected underground cat durte made a point that he makes fun of mainstream by distroying it on its own field. So i took a 2nd listen and deffintly relised that. Most of this album is on that tip, but he also has realy deep and some of his best tracks to date. Walking thru hell feating durte is one of the best tracks ive heard yet from h8trid including a impressive deleviry with a more darkish style more matured vocal presence from him, this is one of 4 tracks with durte and i cansay there chemistry is amazing, and if i was manganging this 2 i would be incourganing these 2 very taleneted emcees to do a collab album cus there chemistry calls for it. Also h8trid shows magor growth and like eminem its because of a seed in his life, his tracks towards his son are his most personal and most polished tracks yet. "sadly enough i didnt want any kids" h8trid states but by the growth as a emcee since his kids birth his kid wasnt onyl the best hting for his musical growth but as his growth as a person. Like i said this album isnt the deepest of albums and does has alot of comical points witch are some of his most flawed one def being c and bj "cookies and a blow job that isnt evena rap song and could of been filler on some of his alder albums, but one of his biggest flaws onhis album isnt even his fault. Thats one things about mixtapes like i said with the whitney peyton review afte ru here another emcee perfect a beat when you try to do the same you have high expectioations and on the 7th layer assister monster with t-onez flawless ripped h8trid comes short on living up to it. Overall this may not be as good as personal vendetta but doestn show at all that h8trids falling off.
Whitney Peyton ft holly g airplanes remix SINGLE REVIEW
Covers and remixe's of popular tracks are never the road to go because even if your lyrical its hard to not make comparrasions to the original. There are times when it prevails, like royce the 5'9s freestyle of airplanes, but some flop witch is what semi happens on whitney peytons version. Lets start off where this fails. First the aucustic vibe does not help do this song justice, holli g's voice is pitchy and destroys one of the years most remarkable chorous's. Whitney peyton comes deep, but her flow is off most of the time, and when she actually rhymes its basic. Now whitney beyton has never been the most lyrical emcee out, but she's never been this week. Thiking your have a sure fire hit doign a remix is the first mistake ive seen peyton make,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
King Magnetic, Jukstapose & Godilla - 4th Kind SINGLE MUSIC
When a colaboration between some of the eastcoast finest unsigned talent comes along its hard not to want to listen. Its even harder not to get lost in this smooth relaxing beat spitten on that you have to listen 2 it a few times to get a proper feel of the track cus the beat itsself can calm a soul. Thats what happens here on the track 4th kind with king magnetic godilla, and juktstapose. The vibe of this song has a nice nostaglic vibe to it you cant help but feel like your in the 80's again. King magnetic's rhyme scheme has been polished to perfection. "just suppose juktstapose did in ajux with the king illa must a known, its just a poem. Mags delivery is so smooth over this vocal instead of his usual streat tone. Developing your deliver when ur allready established as one of the most talented emcee,s is a talented feet. Jukstapoe and illa deliver nothing but pure flawless rhymes. This track isa nice track to vibe to get lost in and if ur a fan of lyrics that are flawless u cant go wrong on a track that in its self has no flaws.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
j-sweetz it's allright SINGLE REVIEW
Illiam Child - Down In Jersey SINGLE REVIEW
Damn everywhere you turn jersey is trashed harder then any state in america, from films, paroadies, and realit telivision new jersey is the joke of america. This isnt no parody ill child, goes on some deep shit spitting the reality of new jersey not the glossy party scene you see on telivison, the real grittiness that actually happens, and this isnt a comedy track. "round here everybody got something to smoke, round here every one owe somebody something and everybody act like they dont know anybody nothing" witch is so true new jersey has some of the msot grimiest stingiest fucks out there that would fuck over there own grandma if it got them drugs. Its a sad reality but true and its not only newark arae its all over new jersey, whereits like this. "every body acting like there gangsts" you cant walk down the streats of any town up her without some wanksta wearign flags and throwing signs but punk out whenit comes to going to the city like that. Ill child whole track brings you into the chillin reality of one of americas most laughable states out there and at the same time one of the grimiest.
8.5 out of ten
auzrieal feat genisis b keep it reel SINGLE REVIEW
in the hip-hop community its unusual to see alot of female talent so its probally shocking to see back to back reviews on female emcees, but i gotta promote and regonize talent as i see it, once again strait out of nyc comes genisis b. Brining her rhymes about love on a track with amazing vocals brought to u by auzriel. Unlike most songs that i review this songs got a big mainstream apeal to it evry thing from the hook the r and b vocals and subject matter about being the releaset chick during a relationship. The one thing that this sing has that ur average r and b track has is talent, and good lyrics, brought by both artist, but genisis be shines like a star on her cameo. "so why you lie im to fly i sit and listen to you as i can find me a guy whos worth my time" that may not be the most complex rhyme scheme when it comes to sylables but compared to your average emcee genisis be excels over others, this track is refreshing for a maintream flavored track cus its catches my ears, and im a harsh critic.
J. Rose - Like Her [ft Dama Nilz] SINGLE REVIEW
The most promising female lyrist in the underground community is back, this time bringing another strong female lyrcist on her on this track that sounds like the basis of a sasha grey porn movie, lying and betrayal about a friend whos sleeping with her best friends man. J.rose spits her heart out like usual sounding as emotion as ever in her voice, in the first verse when shes speaking to dama nilz about her man playing her while going into vivid details. "when we make love his mind isnt there" by body language she knows he aint being true and in her vocal delivery you can here her emotions the whole time though it while sticking to her usual lyircal fire. Dama nilz replies spits the same way about a guy playing her with someone else but shes speaking to her man unlike j-rose was with damanilz. On the last verse its a back adn force convo between j.rose and dama nilz about the situationwating endign with dama nilz saying shes fuckin her man and they in love, now this is reminds me a mix of the 90's hit the boy is mine ans a sahsa grey porn video i saw recently, overall this is a deep well written track, and enjoable to listen to but the normal complexity of j.roses flow isntthere but her emoition delivery makes up for it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Killa Shame - Hard Work SINGLE REVIEW
phaze wun is one of the most talented producers in the arae but his talents were wasted on the semi bar el chain album so with his new protege killa shame hopefully hes actually working with a artist whos deserving of his amazing production work. by the repetive bridge in the begining of the track it seems he hasnt done that, and as the tracks goes on it seems he made a medicore street banger, rhyme scheme isnt nothing exeptional, his talks of drug dealing and pimping out chicks is played out and overall i dont see this track of being to imrpessive, like usual phaze wuns beat is on point but like usual he isnt given his beats to emcees who will bring the aprication and talent his beats deserve
various artist buil and destroy SINGLE REVIEW
This track reminds me of a aotp cut, no hook str8 lyrical assault by some of the top lyricist in the underground rap scene. Mark deez, ide, allicard, powder, dr ill, melph, novi-kane, unknown, sycksylables, godilla, billy white, ezekiel, bobby brewski, learnz, loak , kas solo, fatol , cruficix payne, damo , alakwents, dants, and white shadow all get on one track and murder a beat by one of the most respected producers in hip-hop period in domingo. Since theres so many artist on this track im do the review on this tracka little diffently, im rate this verse by verse thena overall rating im not give a whole breakdown cus it would take to long bu tim give ratings on each verse
mark deez:- rating 7.5 out of ten
ide- rating 10- out of ten
alucard- 10 out of ten
powder- 9.5 out of ten
dr. ill 8 out of ten
melph ten out of ten
nova-kane 9 out of ten
unknown- 8.5 out of ten
raid sycksyllables 9 out of ten
godilla 9.5 out of ten
billy white 9 out of ten
ezekial 8.5 out of ten
bobby brewski 9.5 out of ten
learnz 9 out of ten
loak 9 out of ten
kas solo- 9.5 out of ten
fatol- 10 out of ten
crucifix payne 9 out of ten
damo 8 out of ten
el a kwents 8 out of ten
dante 9 out of ten
Friday, September 3, 2010
T.O.N.E-z why not/so kool SINGLE REVIEW
T-O-N-EZ has never proven me wrong as a lyricist a few month ago i dubbed him in the now defucnt next 2 blow collumn i used to do intill i ran out of real lyricist that were on there way to stardom. Since then t-o-ne-z has been nominated for a emmy for the theme of the fx justified and released one of this years deepest mixtapes in the east coast with return to happy land. Now he comes out with a video sampler for his next pressed album the limelight that he was been talking about for about 2 years. The first half of this video is entitled why not "i am wrong to want money to burn and a garage of rides" tonez spits and no it aitn wrong if you don't sell your soul in the music industry to make it but by the vibe of this track and his other releases tonez deffintly wont sell out he sticks to his style no gimicks and he has became succesfull just being him. Artist like b.o.b have proved this concept b.o.b's first single was suppose to be flow-ridas right roung but he didntn wanna sell out came out onhsi own time adn is now one of the most succesfull rappers out now. So t-on-ez sticking to his routes and making it shows rappers dont need to havea gimick to get the fame you deserve. The 2nd part of the video is a more mainstream track so kool but tonez stick to his style no gimicks no aut-tune no falling lyrically he stays with the same rhyme scheme and punches he does on his deeper tracks. With transistions likek this no wonder why tonez just inked a deal with warner brothers.
why not A
so kool B
the insomniak freestyle SINGLE REVIEW
Insomniak was one of the first artist reviewed on the blog back when i started this breafly in 08, havent heard anything from him since but hes back with a off the top of the dome mixtape track that is nothing but a pure lyrical assault. Nyc has always been the home of real hip-hop but staten island hasnt produced many emcee,s insomniak is out to change that. "listen to real shit dont listen to the rest" "I got more food for thought that your stomach can digest" insominak spits with such passion showing that he isnt just another gimick rapper hes out to represent real hip-hop to the finest. His rhyme scheme is flawless "listen to my vision twisted to the fuckin rymyth" he spits perfectly over the beat. He delvery is smooth and his passion for the rap game is there deffintly cant wait for the new mixtape.
Im gunna start off saying even though twin perrals have become my favriote rap group that the reasons why im excited to listen to this song is for the return of datin. I havent heard nothing from him since the iron solomon hosted eow mixtape years ago, deffintly was one of my favriote nyc emcees and sieng him now allianed on a track with the twin perals im expecting nothing but pure untouchable lyricism and with reef on this track if this isnt one of the dopest tracks of the year theres something wrong. Datin leads off this track "i game with intentions to torch the game now im here the game starts to change" dating has always been one of those emcees to critisise the change in hip-hop even doigna autone trakced to diss autotune. Datin deliverys some of the nicest rhyme schemes i have heard in a while, the only flaw in his verse is the quiity of his verseis a little low, besides that datin scroches the track. 2nd verse belongs to june marx who is in my midna top 5 lyricist overall this year. "get smacked for your lack of attention attack with a battle ax im back with a vengege grapple your henchman" if you dont think his wordplay isnt god like you dont know good hip-hop. Lone ninja like usual never fails to impress spitting more of his mythlogical metephors with a flawless rhyme scheme, but this song belongs to reef who brings this track to a whole diffrent level. "emerge from the wilderness with a heart thats pounding dutches in emcees imknown to spark athousand i defeat emcees even before they thought to challenge" as you see reef is on another level.This track is a str8 classic with four of the illest emcees in the underground spitting flawless verses
blanx pages of the past SINGLE REVIEW
Artist who spit there personal struggles are always the artist who delivery the hardest rhymes cus they spit real life real struggle and its a plus when you can here the emotions in there delivery that let you feel there pain. Thats what allentown native blanxs does on the track pages of the past that he poors out his heart on the struggles he went though as a child. Not only does blanx let you feel his pain his vivid descriptions of his upbrining lets you visulize the story hes telling. "reading the pages of my past sometimes i sit and wonder how i made it this far" banxs lets you know he exeled and still he wonders how he got past all the struggles he had. This track is a realy emotional track that reminds me of q-uniques the set -up. Blanxs flow is off at times and bars are a little long but for the most part he is constant. This track deffintly is a track anyone going though bullshit needs to listen to.
mb feat cut ent better then u SINGLE REVIEW
its nice to see established emcees letting there crew shine, it helps get more talent reconized in the local scene witch is needed to help establish even more what people allready know that the lehigh valley rap scene is one of the scenes with the most talent in the eastcoast. This time mb's back with his crew cunt ent on a bragocious track better then u and they deffintly prove that there better then most out there nowadays. "when i light the stage theres no writing page" geneski spits on the verse showing like most rappers nowaday hes off the dome when it comes to hitting the studio witch could be risky but geneski deffintly proves his lyrical abilitity. "everybody real everbody fake" he spits showing he agrees with most that 90 percent of you rappers out there are as real as reality shows scripted as shit. Mb proves on the 2nd verse why few can touch him and after his last release power moves hes on his way to getting close to taking the crown as one the top 5 lyricist in the abe. "i aint loosing" mb states witch is true cus the way mb going idk why this guy hasnt inked a deal yet. His rhyme scheme seems like its more perfected then it was on power moves witch seeing growth from allready a amazing lyrcist proves mb is amzing for perfection. "i aint a liar i got flows for days flow like bundles of trays snow white with flakes flows pipes in shakes" mb has anough drug metephors to make you think he was a member of the clipse, witch if he was hes fit right in with hip-hops grittiest realest group. o-blaze and bam also deliver nothing but hard hitting rhymes. nice to see a improvment from the rest of cut ent after the medicore mixtape release eariler this year
phillup banks feat fresh out of the box and krush gruves feel it SINGLE REVIEW (EXCLUSIVE)
9.5 out of ten
Thursday, September 2, 2010
george burnz - hate on me ( ft iron solomon SINGLE REVIEW
FUCK YA LYFE the biggest movement in hip-hop hands down no ones touching any of these artist on a lyrical level and 2 of the more dominate emcees on the level come together to bring one of the most lyrical effots this year. Iron solomon and george burnez recorded a track that could possibly end in my top ten end of the year singles charts. First i was a little cocious just because iron solomon has been on and off as a track emcee cus he can never get the right beats for his disticnt delivery, but this song hits hard and iron solomons top knotch punchlines rhymecheme and wordplay dominate this track. "naw i dont gotta give dj's kick backs i can get replays rhyming over click tracks click clack bitch black sleep where the fish at lucky you'll leave with a peace of you intact" this rhyme scheme is amazing filled with methaphors punches and a constant flow and for the last 8 bars of irons verse that rhyme scheme stays intact pure lyrical genious. George burnez dont impress any less going just as hard as solomon. "bigger then swine flue play my shit your kids die you wont be iller then me even when pigs fly" as you can tell burnes is unstopable and you wonder why george burnz is the best reviewed artist on the blog. This track is pure amazing
tribeland records tribeland soldier SINGLE REVIEW
tribeland records has become probally the best record label in the lv scene as a whole none of them are wack and they all pride them selves on perfecting there lyrical abilites, and on thIS posse cut they prove why the hype on them is 100# real. Hitman starts off first with his gritty delivery and complex rhyme sceme and punches that most cant touch. "i fight tops on dark knights infrered op my shots nice cop twice" this rhyme scheme ad the delivery he uses on it is top notch. majyk has a real sounding soutern flow witch is wierd cus hes from the valley but his delivery flows nice on this track. A str8 street banger that def should be bumped in peoples cars cus this track go hard.
RedLight & Young Trouble Freestyle SINGLE REVIEW
This is one odd collaboration red is the most hyped emcee in the local scene whenit comes to mainstream exposure and young trouble has to be the most overated artist in the local scene,, one thing i gotta say though red oes lyrically hard on there and red isnt a artist known for his lyrical ability. "i should be in the same padded room they put joe budden in cus the game gun drove me crazy loco sick like radies: red spits in a more hard hitting flow then his usal smooth vocals. Red should spit more lyrical like this more often so maybe some of the haters will back up. Young trouble i still see as highly overated, his flow is still basic nd off but he has apeal to the youogn community and you cant hate a rtist fora heavy grind but lyricall he aint there.
Omar - Ballin in the Game SINGLE REVIEW
red top city has been doing big things in allentown but besides jake haze musically the rest of the artist have been silent. here comes omar with his new single. His rhyme scheme starts off impressive but quikly it his flow falls off as he tried to toss in a metephor withut rhyming witch screwed up the flow in the first four bars. "im the princoe of hip-hop you never heard you n*gaa flip-flop open toe" He does this a few times actually witch is disapointing cus he has some creative metaphosrs and a nice consitant rhyme scheme when hes not destroying the flow. Hopefully he perfects his flow a little cus omars got potential
sex drugs and hip-hop vol 2 ALBUM REVIEW
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
MEL - Betta Known As
Funny shit i was just going though my cd collection maybe last week and came across his 06 ep and was wondering what ever happened to mel. After a four year hiatus m.e.l is back in the rap game and if your a fan of his older stuff you will be a fan of his new stuff since he deffintly havent chaned form his flow to the production he usies. the beats sound familiar cus it has the same vibe of every track ive heard from him and lyrically like most streat rappers hes packed with hard hitting punchlines and tales of the streets over a club style beat that will make him heavily acceptable in the hip-hop game. His rhyme sceme is impressive as well from the start "i spit flames no lames im killing it" deffintly got his flow set. Deffintly feeling the track but after a 4 year hiatus id actualyl expect a grwoth from mel but he still at the same leve he was when he first came out, Lyricall i cant hate on him but still a little disapoitned.
white boi d issues SINGLE REVIEW
Right off the bat im expecting 100% for this to be a a ill lyrical effort if not white boi d will need to shunned from the rap community for spitting wack rhymes over immortal techinques dance of the devil beat witch is a classic rap track. White boi d stays to the same format tech did witch is refreshing and stays to a story telling form as white boi d lets you into his personal struggles so you can understand him more. "im from the city where n**** idolize lies" witch is true everyone wants to here fiction and not the turth. I am a little shocked the here the n word froma white rapper but i guess its kind of hard not to if your used to the urban comunity. "watch the freinds you keep cus they hide in disguise" is a true statmenet cus theres snakes at every corner. His flow and rhyem scheme are nice as can be asnd shows he has alot of potential of a rapper. This track deffintly is nice ost rappers hide there personal struggles whiel white boi d surives off rappign bout the bs he goes though.
Automatic "Crossfire" SINGLE REVIEW
Meatbeats has to be one of the best producers in the lehigh valley and ive never heard a wack emcee ever spitting on his beats so even though ive never heard of autamtic i have high expectations since the production work on this song is amazing, i gave this song 2 listens once just consetration on the beat cus im a fan of meatbeatz work 2nd was to focus on automatics lyrics, and what i can say is that the track starts off pretty slow lyrically put picks up the more the song goes on. Like l-money witch is one of his associte hes more of a punchline rapper and focuses oer on hittign heavy punches then his flow, witch is ok deffintly if you can execute a hard hitting punch witch autmatic proves he can do. automatic 2nd verse is most impressive one with the punches adn his vivid account in the first few lines of a robbery witch makes yoou feel your right there when it happens. If he polished up his flow automatic would be a force to wrecon with.
that boy jp image of me ALBUM REVIEW
mr jones dangerous man SINGLE REVIEW
Hip-hop has been in a state of change now adays going back to the experemental style that was originated by hip-hop legend afrika bambatta. Artist are now sampling and incomperating everything from rock to electronice vibes in this track witch sometimes could end up a disaster but still better then whats on the radio when every artist is original. Bethelehem native mr. jones falls into this category and his song dangerous man has a invectious rock style beat that incorpereates old school scratching witch is a amazing thign to here cus i though the days of the turntable are done so its nice to see artist remebering where rap came from. From a lyrical standpoint hes a little basic and has a thing of repeating the same words a few times but overall this is a nice song to listen to. Overall i enjoy him more as a producer then a artist but this song deffintly has a nice vibe to it
hannibal jester I Only Speak The Truth SINGLER REVIEW
New york city has also been home of some of the most controversial, most vicious, and most lyrical emcees in the underground scene. The one bad thing about this alot of rappers who fall in this catergory are unorignal and sound like other artist witch what happens to hannibal jester. By listing to this song you could here necro spitting this track, witch is actualyl a complement because this is deffintly a real lyrical effort. Hannibal spits about "popping grey goose in the club" "getting head while buzzed "catching vd" "havign chicks end up in a garbage pile "empting your valves" so you can tell hannibal isnt ment for the kids. with no hook this track is a 4 minute lyricaal assault mixed with some cleverly woven metaphors "im more fire than the calgary flames." oveall hannibal has heavy potential as a artist but when it comes to enjoyable to listen to it falls a little short but deffintly has alot of potential and will be brining you more on him in the future
Initial - Questions single review
redlight has been one of the stronger forces in the lehigh valley hip-hop scene when it comes to bringing a real style of hip-hop to the local scene. The new track question by initial shows why red light productions is a force to wreckon with. Hip-hop has become taken over my backpack rappers and with the valley embracing this scene it shows that we have a few artist that can break into the mainstream media. The beat of this song brings a real positive laid back sound that you can just sit there and take in the lyrics on a serious note. Thats one thing most artist have a issue doing comping the right instrumentals needed for your message to come across. Initial brings some true qouestions most artist wanna know about "when my cd's over will you repeat or just toss it out on the cold streats" intial def takes his music seriously and it would hurt him if you did but he deffintly won't give up and the whole songs he trying to let his fans know what they think of him. I wish he would drop more music maybea album soon cus if i heard heard alot roe then him he would of been on the lv list cus intial si deffintly the most promisign new comer this year, and you deffintly need to check him out the scene needs more artist like him
8.5 out of ten
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
MB Remenber The E
Mb has got his name on the streats as one of the hardest rappers in the abe scene for his coked up flow but his new track the e is a trip down memory lane though some of the best memories in black history. The beat on this track can give any one a nastalgia vibe. His flow is a little softer then usal and less complex and without his signature punches but the vibe of the track and the style of this track makes for a nice feel good track to vibe out to. mb def proves why hes one of the vallies elite.
dangerous c always gunna be me
Godilla has been a roll as of late between his local classic album jaquars paw last year his single circuit training with ali armz and thirstin how now his newest track judge dred proves why goddilla is one of the most gifter lyricist in the lehigh valley. This track is pretty much a 16 probally a trailer for his newest album and if his lyrics spit as hard and his complexity is up to this bar expect the new album. "my loose leaf is deading you strait to the morgue" one of the most creative lines ive heard in a while, if you havent allready def start checking out godilla.
h8trid kid no more feat n3bo SINGLE REVIEW
Saturday, August 28, 2010
interview with ronnie ortega of JERSEY SHORE
mark madsen: whats good man
ronnie ortiz: not to much you know trying to avoid reporters paparrazi all asking me about my arrest
mark: suprised by watching your actions on tv id seem to think you'd like the exposure negative or postive since you was arrested last year on jersey shore
ronnie: well its all glorified for tv im none as this over hyper shout out guy but overall im laid back, never been to jail before and im trying to keep it low that i was i didnt even know they could lock you up for unpaid speeding tickets, i mean shit those fuckin pigs wouldnt even let me pay they the money for my fines
mark: being a former warren county resident that actually doesn't suprise me at all ive seen people get locked up here for curfew violations, but dont worry man i doubt it will get out my blog is not a entertainment tmz blog its a local hip-hop blog and thats why i actually hit you up for this interview, in jail we were talking and you mentioned you was a fan of a local hip-hop act
ronnie: hahahahahaha yea this group ambush family i did a personal apearence at this club crocidile rock or something like that in allentown pa and this dude was bugging the fuck out of me to buy his cd so i decided on doing so i had no intentions originally to listen to it but my i-pod had died out and needed some tunes for the ride back so i popped the shit in and the first track i heard i forget what it was called was a club banger that you could wile the fuck out to and realy enjoyed it, plus i picked up some chick at the club that was feeling it to so besides liking the song the cd got me in the sheets with this banging blonde so you realy cant hate a group who gets you laid hahahahahaha
mark: i guess i can feel you on that did you listen to more then just that track, did you feel more then just that track do you like them as a artist or because it was a club banger, sorry for hounding on the musical questions but this is a music blog i usually rate off lyrcism and shit like like.
ronnie: i listened to the whole cd there was maybe one other club track on there the rest of it was straight ghetto drug dealing shit, im not a big fan of rap music but i def would say they got talent that one dude by his voice i think it was the one who sold me the cd fat black dude had said some funny shit that got me cracking the fuck up hahahahaha you know but yea i deffintly like them
mark: ight i had sent you links to 3 other local artist did you give them a listen if so where you feeling any of them
ronnie: i skimmed though there tracks realy didnt listen to them in full but one track had me cracking the fuck up it was called nicki minaj or some shit i forget what it was called but that shit right there could be a viral sensation hahahahaaha i think every dude agrees theyd wanna smash nicki minaj you feel me Like i said im not to big of a fan for rap music more into club trance stuff so im sorry for not able to give you a better outlook on them
mark: you talking about jake haze with that nicki minaj track its ight man i just wanted to interview you cus im all about getting my local music scene known and since you mentioned to me you enjoyed a local act i wantted to get your views.
ronnie: like i said im a laid back dude i had some free time so i dont mind just keep it on the dl about my jail shit then we cool.
mark: like i said i run a local music blog im not sending this to tmz
ronnie: hahah well thanxs im peace out got some personal apearences to make but def look looks on not narcing out
Pain Promo Commercial
If your looking for amazing tatoo work hit up sinner city tatoo shop 639 N 12th St, Allentown, PA run by pain of horrorcore group sinner city def best tatoo artist in the east coast
local artist spotlight AMBUSH FAMILY
One thing that is always said about the local hip-hop scene is thats theres no unity between artist. This is one thing that ambush family proves wrong as each emcee in this group come from other labels, groups or solo acts and came together by doing shows and listing to each others music. As a whole they have been around for about 2 years but as solo artist there careers span about a decade. Tragic started off as a solo artist and even had inked a deal with columbia records before getting locked up on gun possesion charge and was blacklisted from the label, from there he teamed up with local emcees napo, king ricco and dan madsen to form cheddar records (no confusion with f.a.ce the beast label with the same name" evntually disbanning do to personal reasons tragic went to form his own imprint streat hustle entertainment. Ctc started off with phillipburg bases g2g before disbanning and going solo, deibino was also a solo artist. All four of the artist met as they all opening up for ja rule at crock rock and formed ambush family. Ambush family has become one of the hardest grinding forces in the local scene even having the honor as the only local act to headline crock rock. They are also heavy in promoting and getting the local scene regonized either though talent shows emcee showcases or freestyle contest. The only thing ambush lacks is conistanty with lyrism and a week like lyically (deibino) in the group. They represent the streats and the local scene to know ends and by there performing shedule and monthyl mixtape releases they dont seem to be stopping any time soon
Friday, August 27, 2010
drangd feat durte harmless SINGLE REVIEW
"i here alot of cowards talking claiming there thug they talk alot of shit but do nothing but bluff there harmless" durte says in the opening hook and this has to be the truest line ive heard in a while in any rap track, setting up a pure lyrical assault from drang as he proves why not many emcees arent touching him. "every mother fucked in this nation rap that they tuff" witch is true and drang never claims it he proves lyrical hes ill he didnt need a gimick to get the strong fanbase he got like most rappers do he did it by relating to his fans lyrically and showing his growth as a emcee. His new speed rap style helps his delivery alot and finds his 2-4 rhyme scheme into a perfectly conceived delievery. This has to be the best track ive heard from drangd. usually you see emcees fall off in there career but when a emcee gets better and shows groth durning there career then you know there something special there
its been a few weeks but j.rose and george burnez are back at it with more pure lyrism but this time they come on a more gangsta tip then lyrical ability witch is a little bit disapoiting since you know my views on gangsta rap, but still cant deny lyricism even though j.rose doesnt seem to be rapping with much passion and does screw her flow up alittle even though at the end of her verse her rhyme scheme is stellar, 2nd vrse though she seems like shes trying to sound like nicki minaj 2 much witch also is disapointing, i hate seing ill emcees becoming products of mainstream influence. George burnz dont disapoint though his flow stays perfect like usual. This is reasons though why female emcees with talent need to make it because negetiv einfluences on mianstream can destroy talent at its prime
7 out of ten
As you've noticed we show alot of love to twin perils over here at east coast underground central, its hard not to when you here both beats and flawless rhyme schemes like lone ninja and june marx do. Making this track complete with pure lyricism is the guest apearence from local emcee godilla who as i mentioned before is one of the top artist locally and in the underground period. Both lone ninja and june marx both shout out godilla in the track witch shows im not the only one heavy aclaiming godilla. "i broke resistanc execute the vocalistics obey the code of misfits and pave the road to ritches" lone ninja spits with a flawless delivery and the whole track lone ninjas flow is close to flawless like usual. June marx flows perfect as well put godilla outshines both lone ninja and marx on this track "your sweet like willy wonka" metephor is crate and pulled off with execution, and his rhyme schem is consistant complex and perfect. You need to start listing to rap like this or you will trully never apriacate the genre
So, You're voting for the Lehigh Valley Music Awards...(Must Read)
written by jake haze.
What is up everyone. This past Wednesday (Aug 25th), The Lehigh valley Music Awards rolled out its nomination list, based on the amount on votes given. This year brought a record amount of voters to this event, IMO, in part thanks to the rising awareness of this event in the urban community. Well, let's get straight to the point. I am not a board member or judge of the LVMA's or anything. I'm just a regular joe who does not-so-regular things once in a while. One of those things is hip-hop, thats's what I do, and what I will be focusing on here, the categories that matter to YOU (Da Stash Box audience). What I'm gonna try and do is let you be the judge, by presenting your nominees, and their work, so as to make your vote an informed and truly deserving one. One complaint I have received is that the nomination ballots are off. Me, personally being nominated for 3 LVMA's, feel that I deserved mines (But, really, is there anyone who can contend that?), others felt that the ones deserving were not rewarded, and that many people got on the ballot on the strength of internet friendships and not actual talent or merit, IE, people who put put the time and effort didn't get nominated over ones who quickly rushed in to nominate themselves, to which I can somewhat agree on certain levels. So without further hoopla, these are your categories and why you should vote for them!
Best Music Videographer
Sam Younes
Redlight Productions
Rocky Urich Prouctions
Miguel "Reg" Torres
Daniell Lubene
Lisa Koza Productions
Joe "JB" Balshi
This category baffled me. I see alot of good talent on it, like Red or R.E.G., or Joe Balshi, but where is Joshua Ramirez for Rapforever Media? He directed his ass off this past year for the likes of Boogie V, Joe Stylez, Liquid Ent, Phillup Banks, Adlib and waaaaaaaaaaaaay more. If you guys can get a chance, write him in, or take a look at his work yourself. Just Google any of these nominees names in and check out their work. After then, your choice should be clear.
Best Female Vocalist
Caren Kennedy
Connie Edinger
Kelly Planner
Christine P. Bainbridge
Moe Jerrant
Becca Heller
Bev Conklin
Allie Santos
Mary Kirk Dunbar
Nikolette Palar
Hannah Graser
Many of you have no idea who any of these wonderful females are, but you will. If anyone deserves this nod, it's the talented Allie Santos, who made a splash at the Lehigh Valley Music Conference, and has had a steady stream at performances (notably, Big Money Management's comedy nights @ woodys..).
Best Male Vocalist
Scott Free (Howell)
Tim Harakal
Scott McDonald
Alex Kristof
Chris Yando
King Magnetic
Anothy Zucherro
Chris Murphy
Tyler Grady
Uh oh, here starts the drama. King Magnetic and Red. In the same category. best male vocal--wha? huh? Wait a second, those two don't sing (aka vocalize), they rap. So how are they on that "Vocalist" ballot? Moving on...
Best New Artist/Band
Jake Haze
Only Human Band
Damn Dirty Apes
Hannah Graser
Scott Pine & Conifers
The Feens
Wailing Waters
Trip Frogg
One Cat Left
The Block
It's me vs a whole bunch of others. Of note however i'm up against The Feens, Damn Dirty Apes & Peacekeeper.My Vote's going to that Jake Haze guy. He's always on some show, on some song, on some website, on some interview on something. Hehe
Best Valley Club DJ
DeeJay Sweet Life
J.J. Sands
Buttacall Ed
Samantha Lane
Rich Michaels
Brother Joel
DJ Cyn
J. Miguel
Cap Cee
Anyone who's partied in this town, knows your DJs. Buttaball Ed, DJ Cyn & Cap Cee made the cut, which is deserving, but where is DJ Menace? it's anyone's vote in this category, but if you can't agree on one, feel free to type DJ Menace's name in the ballot.
Best R&B
Allie Santos
Doug Hawk
Frederick Douglas
Paula Brion
Jenny Beltran
Paula Brion, Jenny Beltran & Allie Santos, very hard category. They've all performed widely in this area, so take a pick of your favorite.
Best Local Music Video
This Category is write in only
Write in, Eh? Well in that case, here's a couple videos for you to consider:
Adlib - Bum Rush
Phillup Banks- Man In The Mirror
Truck - The Anthem
Tug McRaw - Like Nobody
Young Trouble - Hottest In The Hood
LPerfex - We Are One
Red Mcfly - Where Is My Mind
Those are just a few, look in our video section to see if you see anything else you like.
Most Supportive LV Music Venue
PigPens Sports Bar and Grill
Louie's Italian Restaurant
Leather Corner Post
Grumpy's BBQ Roadhouse
Godfrey Daniels
Banana Factory
Garfield Hotel
Listen Live Music
Emmaus Firehouse #1
Pitcher's Sports Bar
Mezza Luna
Anyone who does Hip-Hop in the valley knows about our infamous venue problem.....nobody wants us there, and I've had experiences with many of the venues listed, so IMO Banana Factory or Pitchers. Pig Pen gives excuses upon excuses to not let urban performers (who arent't famous) perform even a 10 minute set, and the rest, well, they simply don't want hip-hop. Which is cool, to each his own. but if you're a hip-hop artist or fan, then the choice should be between Banana Factory or Pitchers.
Best HipHop/Urban
King Magnetic
Kidd Fresh
Jake Haze
Urban Sky
Hank Tate
Joe Stylez
Oh Man. The main event. The throwdown. So many artists, and only one can walk away with the prize. King Mag, Red, Me (Jake Haze), H8trid, Joe Stylez, & Jewlz in my opinion are the stronger candidates. Nothing against Urban Sky, Kidd Fresh, Hank Tate, and Initial, but they've been off the radar for too long, quite honestly only hearing a handful of songs by Initial, Only knew of Kidd Fresh as a DJ (I heard ONE song from him, which hardly merits a nomination nod) and not to mention, I had no idea who Urban Sky & Hank Tate were before I saw their names on this ballot, and one of them, I still don't. Your best bet? Google them. Then decide
And that's it. I figured these are the categories that are relevant to my core audience. Remember, people, that the fine people running the Lehigh Valley Music Awards are regular people like you and me with their own lives and occupations. Their schedules are full, and I've had the pleasure of saying I've seen these people work hard to bring involvment and music awareness and education to the community. If you do not like the nominees on the ballot and feel someone else is deserving of a nod,WRITE THEM IN! People have won from write-ins. Every category has a write in spot!
Quite simply put: If you don't like the ballots, or nominations, do something about it. Don't just bitch on facebook and complain about the next man's fortunes. Do Something. Artists, submit your music, make it readily available to the public (aka Internet, man, we're in 2010, itunes makes up 25% of the music sales and rising, CD is dying, get with the program), nominate yourself and make sure you tell people to nominate you, and show them why you should be nominated. Do not wait for anyone to nominate you, be the movement.
Volunteer. I am sure Gloria & Bruce would welcome an extra pair of reliable hands. Understand, that they might not have the time to screen and research the nominees, they go by votes, so do something about it if you don't like it. Get involved.
Visit the official site:
Lehigh Valley Music Awards
L Perfex "We Are One"
Emcees nowaday have a issue with not spitting facts and forgetting the roots of hip-hop and why hip-hop and rap were actually evented. Rap battles were actually started for people to verbally get out there anger instead of shooting each other now with rap filled with gangsta rap guns are brought into hip-hop contradiction the reason why the genre is started in the first place. When i heard the opening beat of this song i started reminisning of the old days of hip-hop the beat reminds me of classic pac, and vibes nicley and starts brining me down memory lane to a time where rap was about lyricism and getting along and it wasnt about gats and big chains. This is exactly what the songs are about to l perfex first opining bar "everybody was jumping for joy barack one it" talks about the change that will come that oboma promised and like most people bitch about it takes a while for change to come. Underground emcees are allready hating on obams non change gen steal of smith in wessun even made a concept album bashing obama peple now adays dont have patience. l perfex message of non volence and peace is a refreshing change in music and his flow and delivery hits the right note with the beat. This has to be the feel good track of the summer in the local scene deffintly a amazing track
joey mondeca This is My World SINGLE REVIEW
Song starts off realy realy shitty the chorous starts off the track and the chorous is notroucious, repetitive and all over the place lucky for us joey mondeca actually can flow so the hook is forgivable. Starting off his actual first verse joey's rhyme scheme starts realy impressive as he suceffully sets a 2 multi rhyme scheme with two sylable words for 4 bars, witch u dont see double sylabal rhyming to much, so allready im impressed but dont know what to expectsince he cant write hooks too well. "ill probally get sancationed for the shit that im saying" joey spits witch means he dont care what you think about his views here say it anyway witch means you shouldnt worry about him selling out. Metaphorically he's creative "i'll bring it back like im a paramedic""you're get pened up like you is a entrance" so its impressive but not consitant still i see promise in oey mondeca
ambush family got a problem SINGLE REVIEW
Ambush family is one of the more known local acts because of there heavy grind, vigourous touring shedules, and legal issues that have been in local papers, but lyrically ive always deemed ambush family overated, nothing special just another gangsta rap coalition. There are some promising emcees in the group though tragic spits first and even though his flow has always been half ass his punchlines have always been impressive and still are. "cook it up watch n---- blow like bubble gum" both a decent punch and clever metephor even though that bar could be spitten better the metephor itself is clever. Ctc spits second his flow repetitive and also gets stucks to rhymin gthe same words over and over and basic as fuck metephors "we same color as a presidnet. if it wasnt for the fact there manager was a promoter at crock ther grind wouldnt be so good cus lyrically there not to good