due to its limited run in America I know most of you haven't had the chance to see this yet well at least not in hd I'm sure theres bootleg cam versions going around the internet, but I was lucky enough to catch the Tokyo ghoul film in theaters last week and my first impression was FINALLY!!! A TOP NOTCH LIVE ACTION ANIME FILM THAT SURPASSED THE ANIME. I know the anime is beloved by many but to the people who have read the manga the Tokyo ghoul anime especially Tokyo ghoul root a were left disappointed do to how much of the manga plot points were left out of the anime and it became a basic battle anime in root A and ruined the well written and character development plus the phycological downfall of ken kenkai. The anime just didn't have the same impact that the manga did but the film corrected a lot of the flaws that the anime had and was a more faithful adaptation of the manga. The film covers the first 3 volumes of the manga series from his initial transformation to a ghoul by rize intill his first confrontation with mado and Amon, and for the most part its faithful. The only real deveation I noticed was the actual fight between ken and Amon in the source material it was one sided with Amon destroying ken, this was before he went though the turner with Jason and was still a whimp. Here ken holds his own well before finally getting defeated. Its a film so top notch action sequences are neccesarry so I understand why they did it and if theres a sequel which I'm sure there will be the only thing it hurts is a little bit of the character development in ken since he didn't come more aggressive and more intune with his ghoul abilities and was more of a annoying crying whimp of a character intill the gruesome torture at the hands of Jason. here he's more hardened already when he first encounters Amon but its something that I could easily look past. The acting here was superb masataka Kubota nailed every aspect of kens character to a t. Visually stunning and even though it wasn't perfectly done I was thoroughly impressed with the cgi when it came to the kagune, it didn't look to out of place and looked like it could be a part of there characters instead of just shittly cgi that usually used with things like these that just make it look out of place. Overall even though I like it I disagree with a lot of the reviews I've read that have called this the best live action anime ever that title for me still stays with rurouni ken shin and its two sequels but this was defiantly one of the better ones in recent memory and it won't disappoint neither the fans of the anime or the manga.
overall grade
8.5 out of ten