I've always been a blogger that has been deemed "controversial" by many do to my no holds bar reviews and in general a no holds bar take on everything including think pieces I've done on this blog. A title I haven't earned because nothing I've talked about on this blog has been controversial it's just been weak minded individuals not agreeing with a music review or view point on a music industry critique. Intill now that is, the subject I'm about to discuss now is controversial in so many lights and the approach I'm going to be taken here will stir up even more emotional outrage than the subject matter itself, and this subject matter is police brutality and corruption, I'm specifically gunna go into detail on how the use of excessive force by law enforcement isn't just a issue the black community faces but a issue most Americans especially Americans of a lower tax bracket and who have mental illness face daily in this country. Before you crucify now just by this introduction let me go into a summary of points this article is about to cover, one I'm not going to go deeply into nationally known stories on this subject matter that will prove my point, two even though this article is going into police brutality I do wanna say this NOT ALL COPS ALL BAD AND NOT ALL COPS ARE IMMORAL POWER HUNGRY NOR USE A STEREOTYPED RADAR ON INDIVIDUALS, but just because a vast majority don't doesn't mean this isn't a huge issue that doesn't need to be discussed, thats like saying just because a lot of people with mental illness or most gun owners don't go on mass killing sprees when one does we should not discuss the issue of gun control or reforms in mental health treatment, and three the main reason I'm writing this article national media has portrayed a cops vs black war going on in this country and yes there are some examples where its clear the victim of police brutality was profiled for his race does not mean every instance of police brutality is race based, and if we can't realize this then this issue will never be handled. In this article I'm going to be discussing TWO LOCAL CASES of police brutality from both sides of the spectrum, the discrimination of a black man (who was my best friend and a story thats so tragic it still hits me hard emotionally daily" and a case of police brutality towards a white male (which ended tragically) and I'm going to go into details of the similarities in both cases trying to hammer the point that this is a issue that ALL AMERICA FACES AND IF WE DON'T UNITE ON THIS COMMON FRONT THIS IS A ISSUE IN AMERICA THAT IS JUST GOING TO CONTINUE TO GET WORSE. First off I wanna briefly go into detail of a recent personal experience I recently had with excessive force with police that got me in the mindset to write this article, I've actually have personally dealt with two difference incidents of excessive force by law enforcement but this article is not about me so I'm not gunna go into details about the first but just a brief summary of the recent one to jump start this actual article. Three days before writing this article I was walking down the main street of my home town, me and my fiancé were getting into a heated argument over the phone which caught the attention of a undercover vice squad detective who was conducting surveillance on a suspected drug house in town. This detective without warning darts towards me picks me up by my shirt though me against the wall picks me back up by my short carries me about 20 feet and hurls me into the grass of a near by pocket park asking me to empty my pockets which I do he takes the contents of my pockets my wallet, cigarets and light and tells me to go on my way, I called the police since I didn't actually believe this guy was a deceptive who eventually got my possessions back well my wallet after a shitty explanation as of why he did this to the officer. A common citizen getting into a heated argument with my fiancé something everyone has done at one point or another targeted by a power hungry officer of the law, which leads me into the first story I wanna get into, a story of a disgruntled lover emotionally unhinged after a break up who filed false charges on my best friend and how he was convicted and falsely imprisoned for 5 years without a trial and in the end took his own life just because he was a large athletically but black man being accused of horrendous crime by a skinny white female with no evidence at ALL OF ANY OF THESE OUTRAGEOUS CLAIMS but convicted and held purely based off his race. My friend terrell at the time 23 years old had just broken things off with his girlfriend crystal of 4 years and not only did he break things off with her he filed for adoption of her son who child services was about to remove from her care for neglect. This fact itself makes this story even more sickening not only was his accuser a white female but a white female who child services was actively investigating to the point one of her kids was being removed from the household, and what makes this sickening is the charges he was accused of were extreme forms of child abuse and torture with no evidence backing up none of these claims. After the break up crystal had filed charges on terrell with accusations such as slicing a 8 year olds finger nails down the middle with a knife, pulling there deaths out with a claw hammer, putting out lit cigarettes on her Childs faces and even rape and sodomy, again ACCUSATIONS WITH NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER on accusations thats clearly should of left permanent physical scaring. Police had looked into her claims for SIX MONTHS before arresting him finding no evidence whatsoever. A individual the local newspapers deemed MONSTER wasn't arrested intill 6 MONTHS AFTER THE ACCUSATIONS as the police spent 6 Months investigating the claims finding nothing. Yet 6 months after the accusations they arrested him anyway with no evidence and this is 100% a case of racial discrimination leading to a arrest. 5 years he sat in prison while getting sexually assaulted and tortured and beat the the point of loosing eyesight by other inmates do to the nature of his charges not once did he go to trail since the trial kept getting delayed. 5 years later he had went to trial and was released on time served with 2 years of probation for one account of simple assault on a child because the cops used there typical lying tactic if you admit to this you will be bale to go home today ordeal on the lesser of the charges which was slapping a 6 year old in a face. A individual deemed a monster by local media released after 5 years despite being crucified and falsely painted as a mentally unstable child abuser walks free after 5 years this doesn't add up, and sadly this story doesn't end here and the discrimination of the police sadly doesn't end here. 2 weeks after his release terrell was suicidal and had signed himself into a local psychiatric facility because he couldn't handle the real world after his release 3 days later police arrest him for probation violation for NOT BEING AT THE ADRESS HE WAS RELEASED TO EVEN THOUGH HE INFORMED HIS PROBATION OFFICER HE WAS GOING INTO THE PSYCHIATRIC hospital. terrell did another 6 month for probation violation and 2 weeks of being on the outside paranoid and rightly so that the police discrimination and harassment on him would never end hung himself all because of police discrimination towards him. A pure tragedy which helps the case of the people saying police ONLY TARGET BLACK INDIVIDUALS. The next story happened to a mentally ill WHITE MAN who's downfall and eventual death was sadly started by his cry for help and his call to the local crisis center to help him though a mental breakdown. Might not be as tragic and heartbreaking as the previous story but heartbreaking none the less. A white schizophrenic man who did the right thing by calling a crisis worker to get help for himself instead of harming others tragically gets gunned down by police officers while not causing harm or even threatening harm on anyone but himself. A man in need of mental health help actually calling for help before he did something he regretted getting his life taken by him by the people he called to help him. a group who's Moto is to PROTECT AND SERVE kill someone who called for there help. Thomas read a 36 year old aspiring musician struggling with schizophrenia who's girlfriend just left him and was suicidal had called the New Jersey crisis center because he had SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. I wanna stress this right here Thomas reed was a man calling a crisis center not because he had intentions of harming anyone nor threatening violence on no one at all but himself, a guy suicidal reaching out for help. Protocol for crisis is that a police officer accompany the crisis worker incase the individual in need of help becomes violent, in this case though the police officer had arrived before the crisis worker and approached the individual even before the crisis worker was on the scene which is in direct violation of protocol in this situation. The officer approached the door asking to come inside Thomas said no he wasn't gunna speak to no one but the crisis worker the cop then gets aggressive in tone threatening to kick down the door if the officer did not allow him in which Thomas reacted by putting a knife to his own neck threatening to kill himself if the officer didn't back away, instead of the officer backing away he fired two shots though the window of his apartment one hitting and killing Thomas. By the time the crisis worker arrived Thomas was murdered by police, the official story by the cops and the one in the paper is that Thomas lounged towards police with the weapon and that they had calls of him making treating remarks to another individual. Both statements here have been proven false the first one by neighbors who had witnessed the whole ordeal including his upstairs neighbor that was in the backyardDEFENSELESS at the time and saw Thomas put a knife to his neck and the other statements were proven false by the crisis worker. In this case a DEFENSELESS WHITE MALE WAS KILLED BY POLICE WHO THEN COVERED IT UP WITH LIES. In both cases both victims of police brutality and corruption were portrayed falsely as violent mentally unhinged men by police falsely when evidence proved otherwise, in both cased police not only used illegal tactics to save there own asses but also do to this lead to the deaths of both individuals. Both cases ended tragically by either the cops pride to solve a case that didn't need to be solving or the impatience to deal with a individual, and both cases law endowment officers went against there code of 'PROTECT AND SERVE" AND INSTEAD OF HAVING INDIVIDUALS FEEL SAFE AROUND POLICE OR FEEL SAFE CALLING POLICE FOR HELP THEY TURNED THEMSELVES INTO UNRELIABLE PEOPLE AND ACTUALLY MADE INDIVIDUALS IN THE COMMUNITY FEEL UNSAFE AROUND THE POLICE. Two men of two different races lives tragically ended by the actions of law enforcement and this was only 15 miles apart from one another. If two incidents hitting two different nationalities of people happened within 15 miles from each other PROVES THAT IN THIS COUNTRY THIS TYPE OF POLICE BRUTALITY AND CORRUPTION HAPPENS TO EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF SKIN-TONE IN THE United States. Again I'm not stating that there aren't direct incidents of racial discrimination by police because there are I'm trying to Hammer the point that its not just a black thing its just not a white thing this is a ISSUE THAT AFFECTS EVERYONE AND IF WE AS A UNITED COUNTRY DOESN'T RELISE THIS THIS IS A ISSUE THAT WILL NEVER END.
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