While watching dragon ball super the last two weeks one thing that has come to my mind and I'm sure to the mind of everyone else watching is how in fucksakes will goku defeat jiren. They have written this character so overpowered it seems almost impossible that he will ever get defeated shit goku learns ultra instinct a ability that even makes the gods of destruction and kioshins tremble in fear, even making beerus sweat and yet jiren within a matter of seconds figures out his movements and manhandles goku with ease!!! This has gotten me thinking back to naruto specifically Madara, and how even the writer of Naruto masashi kishimoto didn't even know himself how his main characters where gunna defeat him to the point he basically just gave up wrote another character in kaguya who was more powerful but had flaws Madera didn't who defeated Madara with ease but because of the flaws in kaguya nararuto and sasuke were actually able to defeat her. It got me thinking has the writers over at dragon ball super writing them selves into a corner they can't come out of without completely switching antagonist or have to pull a ending out of there ass then I remember JUST ONE ARC AGO DRAGON BALL SUPER DID EXACTLY THAT and that doesn't give me high hopes for the end of this arc or how jiren will be defeated. Remember back to the future trunks arc after goku black and zamazu fused into one being, he was unbeatable shit even goku and vegetarian fusing into yegito or even trunks Genki dama sword couldn't even end him for good, it took a cop out ending of goku hitting the Zeno button and Zeno erasing the whole future timeline to put a end to zamazu. Dragon ball super has so far been having a good run at least since they got past the movie retellings and got into original material but the one major flaw and it has been since the beginning of super there writing there antagonist so overpowered there legitly no way for the heroes to win so they take a cop out ending. They even actually did this in the battle of gods arc based off the movies BEERUS JUST BECAME FRIENDS WITH GOKU WHEN HE COULD OF EASILY KILLED HIM, in the universe six arc hit could of actually killed goku but they handicapped him so there was no killing involved limiting hits strength, future trunks arc Zeno had to interview to end merge zamasu I'm afraid to even think what cop out there gunna have with jiren I mean dragon ball z was guilty of this a lot I also saw the spirit bomb as a cop out ending they'd power up transform can't defat the enemy fuse still can't defeat the enemy then magically kill them with a spirit bomb which they could of done the whole time. Supers issue is the spirit bomb can't even be used as a cop out ending any more because it didn't kill merged zamasu and jiren just tanked it away with ease. While trying to please the fans with overpowered fights and transformations and stronger villains they have gotten to a point that Naruto did that there writing villains so over powered the heroes of the story can't even defeat them anymore and dragon ball super is only in its THIRD original arc and not ending anytime soon and this if not fixed will ruin this series
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