Ive always have deemed gq as the most overated emcees in the local hip-hop scene. hes overally cocky and his egotism gets the best of him to the point that effects him lyrically. When i heard the buzz around allentown on his latest track twilight hyping it as the most unique track people have heard in a while, i was iffy. I allready had the idia in my mind he was just gunna do a rap version of the over popular book, and by the instremental i was right, as it samples a song from the movie. Its not actually a rap version of the song but he uses parts from the movie as one big metaphor on how hes discribing his love to this women. Witch shows that gq is a pick up artist if anyone has seen one writing a love song to your women using twilight as a metaphor. Lyrically he stays on point though the whole track with ight metephors, i wouldnt say its unique since i bet hes not the only one trying to use the twilight craze to get big bt this is deffintly a good track with impressive lines with this being the most creative "only if she lets me have her i swear to play the whole this is only 2nd chapter we have a long way to go this is a new moon lets what another eclipse to the break of dawn we touch each others lips so we live like one as we hold each other tight under the midnight sun" either hes a straight twiglight buff or his women is cus he succesfully put the whole books eries in order including the title of the unreleased book and craftilaly and succesfully pulled that line off. gq is skilled i gotte give him that but the egotism gotta go.
rating A+
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