Allentown native phillup bank$ has been on his grind for the past two years making himself know all over the liegh valley with his hand to hand hustling skills. His newest effort vol 2 is a deeper look into the personal struggles of phillup bank$. its always refreshing when emcees put there personal struggles and reality in there music instead of lying about there backround. By his lyrical style and ethnic background hes a producct of joel ortiz, except bank$ dont spit too much about hustle and about his daily struggle, this album sounds like it could be a audio audiobiography each track getting deeper. One of the better tracks on the album is farewell a ode to a women he loves he lost do to the fact he fucked up and played the playa card. The sequencing could of been a little better this track should of went after put your panties back on about him creeping around then it would of kept with the story style of this album. But at least hes a man who regrets his actions, but doesnt regret the struggle he went though cus without struggle lyrical greatness most times cant be achieved. The best track on this album is man in the mirror where he spits "i say its all good but its the opisite of things" witch shows hes a secretive person aroud people but keeps his painin for his music. deffintly felt this album
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