Wednesday, October 11, 2017

EMINEMS B.E.T CYPHER VERSE mediocre lyrically but the much needed shot in the arm the music industry needed

Unless you live completely off social media and tv, just a hermit so disclosed from society that you don't here any current events at all which doesn't imply to anyone reading this since this is a blog on the internet, you have watched or at least heard everyone and there mother talking about eminems cypher verse from this years b.e.t awards. The verse that shook up the nation 100% being directly aimed at the sad excuse of a president we currently have in office. When trump first took office everyone in my circle said the only plus side of him being in office is the revival of punk music and hip-hop with a politically charged message.  So far though there hasn't been much in the terms of a revival, sure rage against the machine minus zach de la rocha teamed up with chuck d and b-real to form prophets of rage whose debut e.p was nothing but anti-political fueled lyrics but reception wise didn't make much of a impact. Run the jewels specifically killer mike has been the voice of social anarchy and had a huge impact not only during the 2016 election but still is making a impact off his bold statements today but besides two tracks off run the jewels three and not even full tracks a couple of lines off the few tracks even direct the views he was campaigning either on can on the election campaign himself with bernie sanders or on social media, which was little disappointing. Still nothing mainstream that would have a direct impact on society music wise was released making anti-political statements that most of america was thinking would happen once trump came back in office, intill now.  Eminem is considered one of the top 5 greatest lyricist of all time by many and is one of the highest selling rappers as all time and after closing in on a 20 year career is still one of the most popular names in hip-hop today, so if he goes on a five minute freestyle directing towards trump the whole world is paying attention, the impact in the music scene we have been waiting on.  Only issue its eminem who is a amazing lyricist don't get me wrong but goes from goofy to serious in the blink of a eye and while making some valid points it isn't a verse thats gunna lead to a political revolution in music like the sex pistols in the 70's public enemy in the 80's rage against the machine in the 90's and green day in the early 00's. A artist that has such a big format to make his change i found it lack luster that his first bar started "thats a awfully hot coffee pot/ should i drop it on donald trump? probably not? the same juvenile diss humor that eminem is known for doesn't scream political revolution to me. He did spit some very politically driven factual bars touching on disturbing but true current events and actions by OUR PRESIDENT some that hit heavy to me as a listener such as

"but we better give obama props

cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze

that';; probably cause a nuclear holocaust

and while the drama pops

and he waits for shit to quit down hell gas his plane up

and fly around till the bombing stops

intensities heightened tensions rising

trump when it comes to giving a shit your stingy as i am"

"plus this is his form of distraction

plus he gets a enormous reaction

when he attacks the nil so we focus on that in

stead of talking puerto rico or gun reform in evade

all the horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather

cause a twitter storm with the packers

then says he wants to lower are taxes"

lyrics with a real message yet for eminem who's earlier work is known for sharply executed multi's the flow was a little off going at times for extended bars where the flow don;t exactly match to his normal machine gun-multi style flow. a lot of it lyrically wasn't bad but for eminems caliber fell short still the message and the impact this message will have due to his high profile name should lead to similar song for verses by more mainstream names and I'm hoping just hoping eminem's verse in this cypher leads to that anti-political music revolution we have been slowly waiting on ever since trump got into office

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